But the cons of these social networking sites are more devastating.A study has revealed that excessive use of social networking sites like Facebook and twitter is causing depression and frustration in youths.People to people contact in actual physical appearance has reduced and now people prefer to contact each other on social networking sites.Human socialization is fading.There is a constant threat of cyber snooping in people's personal life.As these mediums have the ability to spread a message at a rocket speed to a very vast audience,some notorious and fundamentalist groups are using it to spread hatred among different communities.for example the recent unfortunate event of mass exodus of north east people from some southern Indian cities to their respective homes in northeast was triggered by threats spread through social media.
There is a need of constructive restriction on the content and the mode of use of these social networking sites.Its better for these networks to have a self regulating mechanism than to have a government censorship.People should also respect others life and their personal views.Then only these social networking sites will actually be "social" in their true