The first domain I will be describing is intellectual abilities. An intellectual ability is essentially a general mental …show more content…
The fourth domain is participation, interaction, and social roles. Participation is the actual activities that a person is involved with. It is related to the functioning of that person in society. Social skills include interpersonal skills, social responsibilities, self-esteem, gullibility, follow rules, avoids being victimized, and social problem solving. Practical skills include daily living activities or personal care, safety, money, health care, travel, transportation, and a schedule or routine. Lastly, the fifth domain is context. Context essentially describes the interrelated conditions within in which people live their lives everyday. It includes personal and environmental factors that show essentially the individuals the whole background of that individual’s life. Environmental factors essentially go to create the physical and social environment that people live their lives. There are also personal factors that represent this as well. These include your gender, age, lifestyle, habits, as well as your upbringing and many more. Next, transitioning into supports and how having supports impact human functioning, supports includes both services, formal, and informal support that is expected