Professor: Dr. Dena, Bateh
International Business
Summer, 2014
-2667003914775Career opportunities of International Managers
Final paper
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc397269777 \h 3Description of International Mangers PAGEREF _Toc397269778 \h 3Management Function, types, and managerial leadership role of international managers PAGEREF _Toc397269779 \h 4Skills PAGEREF _Toc397269780 \h 7Education PAGEREF _Toc397269781 \h 9Salary PAGEREF _Toc397269782 \h 9List of companies seeking for an international manager PAGEREF _Toc397269783 \h 11Advantages and disadvantages of international manager career PAGEREF _Toc397269784 \h 14Training for international managers PAGEREF _Toc397269785 \h 15Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc397269786 \h 16Works Cited PAGEREF _Toc397269787 \h 17
IntroductionEvery single human being concentrate on their career in many different stages of their life many people choose managerial career but now world has become more globalize so many students planning to pursue their career as an international manager. Through this paper I will illustrated the career opportunities of international managers, job duties, and lessons learn through the career path and many other criteria of the international manager career. Why people choose managerial career advantage and disadvantage as an international manager. Also through this paper I will explain what kind of company need international managers and, why cultural literacy needed or important for an international manager. Every single person anticipate success in their chosen career but no one can reach in their destination without obstacles and barriers through my research I will discuss what are the opportunities and barriers for an international manager, skills needed to be an international manager, education and past, present, future job market for an international manager. Nowadays most of companies are becoming international and seeking