Fay, William, and Linda Evans Shepherd. 1999. Share Jesus Without Fear. Nashville: B&H Publishing.
Author Information
William Fay has a powerful testimony and a passion for evangelism. He was the CEO of a multimillion-dollar international corporation, had ties with the Mafia, and ran one of the largest houses of prostitution in the United States. When he was threatened with the possibility of jail time, William turned Jesus for redemption. Since that time, he has not turned back and has become an effective witness for Christ.(p. 1) A man who would persecute anyone who dared to share their faith in God, William is now an influential evangelist who has shared the gospel of Jesus Christ on a one-on-one basis twenty-five thousand times.
(p. 144)
Lisa Evans Shepherd is an award winning author and a nationally known speaker. She has written books such as Encouraging Hands-Encouraging Hearts: How to Be a Good Friend and Heart-StirringStories of Romance and Heart-Stirring Stories of Love. She is a member of the National Speaker’s Association and speaks at women’s retreats around the United States. (p. 195)
Content Summary
Share Jesus Without Fear is a book which reminds its reader of their call for evangelism while providing practical and comprehensive instructions on how to share their faith. The book confronts the sin of silence which many Christians are guilty of committing. Instead of talking about the lost, it encourages readers to begin talking to the lost.(p. 7) The authors provide compelling testimonies to encourage and ignite the reader to have a passion for evangelism. Most importantly, the book doesn’t just tell them that they should be evangelizing; it explicitly shows them how to evangelize. In order for one to change, they must first realize there is a need for change. Share Jesus Without Fear examines the many obstacles that keep Christians from sharing their faith. It confronts many Christians’ misconceptions