In Frankenstein, the monster’s characteristics were developed through the experiences he gained while he was trying to survive living in an unwelcome society. When he was born, the monster was pure and innocent, “I ate some berries which I found hanging on the tress, or lying on the ground” (p.80). Every action he performs were innocent, no violence and no adultery. However, when the monster tries to join the human society, he got rejected because of his appearance, so he learns his survival skills through difficulties, “Old man turned on hearing a noise; and, perceiving me, shrieked loudly, and quitting the hut” (p.83). For he knows that he is not welcomed in the society, he learns a way to secretly hide in the society. While he hides, he learns human languages through a small hole through the cottage learning what emotions are, “She was endeavoring to learn their language; and the idea instantly occurred to me, that I should make use of the same instructions to the same end” (p.94). With his survival skill, he could hide himself in the society, educate himself, and able to think critically as he gained more knowledge. Unlike the monster in Frankenstein, Sharikov, dog-man, already had a set characteristics because per professor Philip Philippovich, Sharikov’s characteristics came from the human donor, “But who is he? Klim, Klim… -that’s what it is: two arrests, alcoholism” (p.104). After Sharikov became a man, he started to drink alcohol frequently and becomes drunk multiple times like Klim would have if he were to be alive. Sharikov’s hatred towards cat came from when he was a dog because when Sharikov chases cats to the bathroom, he is trying to kill the cat, “I’ll kill you on the spot…” (p.78). Although both
In Frankenstein, the monster’s characteristics were developed through the experiences he gained while he was trying to survive living in an unwelcome society. When he was born, the monster was pure and innocent, “I ate some berries which I found hanging on the tress, or lying on the ground” (p.80). Every action he performs were innocent, no violence and no adultery. However, when the monster tries to join the human society, he got rejected because of his appearance, so he learns his survival skills through difficulties, “Old man turned on hearing a noise; and, perceiving me, shrieked loudly, and quitting the hut” (p.83). For he knows that he is not welcomed in the society, he learns a way to secretly hide in the society. While he hides, he learns human languages through a small hole through the cottage learning what emotions are, “She was endeavoring to learn their language; and the idea instantly occurred to me, that I should make use of the same instructions to the same end” (p.94). With his survival skill, he could hide himself in the society, educate himself, and able to think critically as he gained more knowledge. Unlike the monster in Frankenstein, Sharikov, dog-man, already had a set characteristics because per professor Philip Philippovich, Sharikov’s characteristics came from the human donor, “But who is he? Klim, Klim… -that’s what it is: two arrests, alcoholism” (p.104). After Sharikov became a man, he started to drink alcohol frequently and becomes drunk multiple times like Klim would have if he were to be alive. Sharikov’s hatred towards cat came from when he was a dog because when Sharikov chases cats to the bathroom, he is trying to kill the cat, “I’ll kill you on the spot…” (p.78). Although both