(3 pages) $9.95 [preview]
Sharks - Sharks Although sharks belong to the class Chondrichtyes, there are many different types. Sharks arose about 350 million years ago and have remained virtually unchanged for the past 70 million years and still comprise a dominant group. It is thought that sharks almost certainly evolved from placoderms, a group of primitive jawed fishes. It took a long series of successful and unsuccessful mutations with fin, jaw positions etc to give us all the different designs of sharks around today. When asked to draw a shark, most people would draw a shape along the lines of the whaler shark family, tigers or a mackeral shark such as a porbeagle.... [tags: Papers] 2601 words
(7.4 pages) $19.95 [preview]
Sharks - SHARKS There are more that 250 species of sharks, ranging from the harmless whale shark to the ferocious great white. I will describe the feeding habits and localities of the three greatly known to mankind: the great white shark (Carcharodon Carcharias), the tiger shark (Galeocerdo Cuvieri), and the bull shark (Carcharhinus Leucas). The great white shark, known as Carchardon Carcharias, feeds regularly on marine mammals, such as seals, sea lions, otters, dolphins, and whales. Samuel Gruber in Discovering Sharks writes that the great white consumes marine mammals when they come across a deceased one.... [tags: essays research papers fc]
:: 1 Sources Cited 528 words
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