At the same time, Don Lino losses patience and orders Frankie to show Lenny how to kill and be a savage shark. Frankie spots the scene where Oscar is being electrocuted by Ernie and Bernie and sends Lenny off to attack. The jellyfish spot Lenny and swim off, leaving Oscar alone with him. Lenny frees Oscar but fails to trick Frankie, who becomes annoyed and charges at Oscar when an anchor suddenly falls and kills him. Lenny flees from the scene and Oscar was seen near the body, so people
think he did it, so he didn´t let pass the chance to receive his fame and he takes credit for killing him, making up a bunch of lies about it and gets the fame and fortune he desires. Oscar comes back to the city with a new title of the shark killer, Sykes becomes his manager, Lola becomes his girlfriend, and Oscar moves to the top of the reef to live in luxury. But when Don Lino comes after the "shark slayer", Oscar has to lie some more to save his neck. In the middle of all this, soon Angie finds out about the lie and threatens to tell everyone Oscar and Lenny convince her to keep quiet. Angie was now