1. Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practise
1.1Explain what it means to have duty of care in own work role
I would say I work in a therapeutic child residential home, and my duties are to care for young girls who have been placed into the care system and I will be given the role of link worker to one of those young girls placed at Cornerways.
To promote to the young girls anti-racist practices and equal opportunity services which take account of race, culture, diversity, religion, language, gender, sexual orientation or physical ability, to protect the confidentiality of the young women and their families.
To promote a safe and secure therapeutic environment, with the emotional support required to ensure all young girls in our care can reach their full potential, and feel protected, safe and happy in their surroundings. I work as part of an experienced staff team and also liaise with outside professionals who aim is to provide emotional and educational support to ensure that the young women can mature to their full potential. I also work alongside professionals within the values, principles and ethos’s as part of the company procedures.
Supporting the young women to come to terms with their previous experiences and helping them to prepare for their futures. It’s my responsibility to attend staff meetings and contribute to the development of Cornerways, to attend training to enhance my role in professional development.
It is also my responsibility also to attend therapeutic consultations and regular supervision and appraisals when required.
I also have a duty to make sure the Young people I work with have educational opportunities The staff care team works closely with Cornfield School, Stepping Stones and other education establishments including local colleges, to ensure that all the young women have the opportunity to