“A duty of care involves an obligation that a person in a specific role has to ensure that others are taken care of and not harmed during a particular task. This involves giving appropriate attention, watching out for potential hazards, preventing mistakes or accidents, and making wise choices about steps undertaken in a role. If a duty of care is not met in a role that requires it, then the responsible person can be held accountable for allowing negligence to occur” (Children and young people’s workforce, 2011, pg. 40)
This connects with the work role of practitioners and is a requirement that practitioners must implement on a daily basis to ensure good, safe practice in the work environment. To provide a duty of care in children and young people’s settings, practitioners must adhere to legal documentation, such as the EYFS framework; which provides assurance to parents and carers that early years providers will keep their children safe and help them to thrive. The overall aims of the EYFS document is to help children achieve the five ‘Every child matters’ outcomes. These are staying safe, being healthy, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and achieving economic wellbeing. (Children and young people’s workforce, 2011, pg. 40)
In addition, there is also another detailed government document named ‘working together to safeguard children’ which sets out specific expectations on what must be done to ensure that all children and young people are safeguarded and that their welfare is promoted through assessment, advice, support and intervention, meeting the needs of all individuals.
I apply these legal documents to my own work role and provide a good standard of duty of care in children and young people in my work setting by observing and interacting with all the children that are in my care on a regular basis. I ensure that I put out play activities that are both age