B1.3 Business description: Dorper stud breeding
This strategic business plan was drawn up to assist the entrepreneur to initiate a new concept of his farm business that specialises in stud breed of Dorper sheep and related by-products. Andrew Babeile currently seeks start up funds to purchase Rams and Ewes. Andrew Babeile has previously studied Livestock Farming & Management. These qualifications will be beneficial to Sheep Farming business.
The potential and wholesomeness of sheep farming cannot be overstated as sheep farming is an essential source of benefits such as the following: meat, milk, skins, fibre, horns and offal. Sheep farming also outlooks essential by-products such as dung which is used in fuel production as well as bio gas production. Indirect benefits of sheep farming encompass weed control and many others. The entrepreneur understands the full potential of sheep farming and is keep to fully exploit the business opportunity. He believes in his business and is confident that sheep Farm will contribute towards job creation, self reliance, economic development and poverty reduction, to mention a few principle ones.
The Business Opportunity
The business opportunity was realised by the entrepreneur, Andrew Babeile, there is a growing demand for sheep meat, sheepskin, wool and associated sheep products in the region where the business is located as well as surrounding areas. The opportunity is also attributed to factors such as the growth in population, rising income levels, growing middle income group and increasing urbanisation which stirs a demand in the main city centres. The increase in abattoirs and butcheries also signifies the business opportunity. There is also a market for sheep dung, which used for fertilizer as well as for research purposes aimed at producing fuel and biogas. Additionally, there is potential for the business to supply wool for the production of clothing and sheepskin for