Shel Silverstein's Story
Shel Silverstein was removed from the University of Illinois because of his lack in keeping his academic high ("Learnodo Newtonic", 2015). Shel Silverstein says it best in his words “What you’ve got to say, you say”("BrainyQuote"). Shel Silverstein was more than a poet, he was a songwriter, a poet, musician, composer, cartoonist, and a screenwriter. Shel Silverstein has sold over 18 million copies of book and it is 20 different kinds of languages. Shel Silverstein was a poet who wrote music and different types of stories. The author’s story begins September 20, 1930 when Shel Silverstein was born in
Chicago, Illinois. Shel Silverstein die of a heart attack on May 10, 1999, in Key West, Florida. Shel Silverstein went to school to become