In one of my placements, a third of the class was in the ESOL program, but I was also able to see them flourish in the class, but I believe if they had the accommodations SIOP outlines than they probably would have been more successful in their mainstream class. The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Model or SIOP, for short, aids in “making content comprehensible for English Language Learners” (SIOP handout). SIOP is based on eight key components for teaching content effectively: “preparation, building background, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, practice/application, lesson delivery, and review/assessment” (SIOP handout). Each component focuses on different aspects of the lesson, and assists in the child’s understanding of the assignment and allows for their culture to be utilized in a way to teach the child the new language (SIOP handout). Ivonne did not receive any of these accommodations, and therefore had to work on learning a new language completely on her own. When we discussed if she was bitter that she had not been given the additional support in learning English, she discussed that even though the ESOL program has been proven beneficial, that she believes it may keep students in their comfort zone because when she was in school, those in the ESOL program were separated from those in the mainstream
In one of my placements, a third of the class was in the ESOL program, but I was also able to see them flourish in the class, but I believe if they had the accommodations SIOP outlines than they probably would have been more successful in their mainstream class. The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Model or SIOP, for short, aids in “making content comprehensible for English Language Learners” (SIOP handout). SIOP is based on eight key components for teaching content effectively: “preparation, building background, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, practice/application, lesson delivery, and review/assessment” (SIOP handout). Each component focuses on different aspects of the lesson, and assists in the child’s understanding of the assignment and allows for their culture to be utilized in a way to teach the child the new language (SIOP handout). Ivonne did not receive any of these accommodations, and therefore had to work on learning a new language completely on her own. When we discussed if she was bitter that she had not been given the additional support in learning English, she discussed that even though the ESOL program has been proven beneficial, that she believes it may keep students in their comfort zone because when she was in school, those in the ESOL program were separated from those in the mainstream