Assignment: Shenzhen Filtroil: Finding Balance
Word count: 4817
November 2010
Executive Summary 3
Introduction & Methodology of Research 4
Part I. External and Internal Environment Analysis 6
PEST Analysis 6
Porter’s Five Forces 9
Part II. Analysis of the Organizational Structure And Culture 13
Organisational Structure and Culture 13
Management and Leadership 18
Conclusion and Suggestions 21
Bibliography & References 22
Appendix 1 24
Appendix 2 25
Appendix 3 26
Appendix 4 27
Appendix 5 28
Executive Summary
Main Idea of the research is to analyze the conflict situation within Shenzhen Filtroil and to offer appropriate recommendations for the successful future management of the company and its employee team.
Analytical Tools and Techniques used in the following research:
The first part of the analysis includes three different theoretical tools to examine the external and internal environment of the company: PEST analysis, a Porter’s five forces analysis, and a SWOT. All have been used to categorize and summarize the findings in the analyses. The findings gave both positive and negative answers in terms of our research question: In what way Shenzhen Filtroil could improve the situation and solve the conflict among shareholders?
The second part of the analysis consists of several theoretical models which helps to determine the present company structure and culture, as well as to make a conclusion on the behaviour and leadership patterns of the company’s management.
Main Conclusions and Recommendations of the analysis are: • The company should focus the business on the main product that would be manufactured in China and therefore to save good relations between shareholders. • Shenzhen Filtroil should completely retreat from the factory in Dongwan and use it
References: [4] Jacob, N. (2003) Intercultural Management, London, Kogan Page, 73 [5] Jacob, N [8] Schein, E.H. (1992) Organisational Culture and Leadership, 2nd Ed, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. [9] Hofstede, G. (1991) Cultures and Organisations: Software of the Mind. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. [10] Jacob, N. (2003) Intercultural Management, London, Kogan Page [11] Jacob, N [12] House, Robert J. (1996). Path-goal theory of leadership: Lessons, legacy, and a reformulated theory. Leadership Quarterly 7 (3): 323–352. [13] Hersey, P. and Blanchard, K. H. (1977). Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources (3rd ed.) New Jersey/Prentice Hall [14] The case: Shenzhen Filtroil: Finding Balance, p