They reside together to receive on-site services while locked up at the jail. Those offerings include counseling, employment classes, and Vivitrol shots. The medication helps those with opioid addictions. The goal is laying a foundation for inmates who will eventually leave incarceration. Public officials, treatment providers, and law enforcement all help divert them. This program has no additional cost to inmates, saves lives, and reduces crime. Agency representatives come in to work with them in a team approach. Having the opportunity to have a phone interview with Marc O’Neill 10/20/17 Mr. O’Neill talked about some of the joint agency’s that assist in the TACT program, Reentry Coalition of NW Ohio, New Concepts Criminal Model, Empowerment for Excellence, and Rescue Mental health & Additions Services. So, as you can see it is a joint effort to make this program a success. Per Mr. O’Neill the process starts with an intake questionnaire about prior convictions, jail time, probation etc. There is also a question about heroin use. Mr. O’Neill goes on to state that most inmates self-disclose their drug use. After a team review the inmate is admitted into the TACT program in which he stated most inmates like due to it being in a different unit with greater
They reside together to receive on-site services while locked up at the jail. Those offerings include counseling, employment classes, and Vivitrol shots. The medication helps those with opioid addictions. The goal is laying a foundation for inmates who will eventually leave incarceration. Public officials, treatment providers, and law enforcement all help divert them. This program has no additional cost to inmates, saves lives, and reduces crime. Agency representatives come in to work with them in a team approach. Having the opportunity to have a phone interview with Marc O’Neill 10/20/17 Mr. O’Neill talked about some of the joint agency’s that assist in the TACT program, Reentry Coalition of NW Ohio, New Concepts Criminal Model, Empowerment for Excellence, and Rescue Mental health & Additions Services. So, as you can see it is a joint effort to make this program a success. Per Mr. O’Neill the process starts with an intake questionnaire about prior convictions, jail time, probation etc. There is also a question about heroin use. Mr. O’Neill goes on to state that most inmates self-disclose their drug use. After a team review the inmate is admitted into the TACT program in which he stated most inmates like due to it being in a different unit with greater