Shift is very cleaver in other parts of the book too. One way he was cleaver was when he tricked everyone into believing Puzzle was Aslan when Shift dressed up Puzzle in lion skin. Shift also was known as old. He had wrinkles,he was lazy, and demanding. He was very demanding when he had
Puzzle wear the lion skin. puzzle hated to wear it. Puzzle also didn't like the lion skin because he wanted to be nice to others.
Shift played a big role in The Last Battle. The book would be very different without him. There wouldn't be an evil side with Shift that was joined by Rishda and the ginger cat. The story wouldn't have been good without Shift. Shift and Puzzle are the main reason for all the out comes in The Last Battle. Puzzle would have never found amazing friends or he might have never meet Aslan. Shift actually did a huge favor for Puzzle without both of the even realizing it.