1. Bangladesh is land-locked on its three sides by a single neighbour with an opening of Bay-of-Bengal on its south. Strategically, it is a matter of concern that the surrounding neighbourhood has the fifth largest army in the world. Therefore, a viable security concept has always been a matter of serious concern as well as a challenge for a country like Bangladesh. We really cannot get locked in an arms race with our immediate potential adversary. Hence, the obvious option for us is to use the age-old tactics of the weaker side, unconventional method of warfare alongside the conventional efforts. However, our new doctrine strongly advocates concurrent conduct of both conventional and unconventional warfare (UCW), leaving option open of resorting to the Total People’s War (TPW). The concept of TPW is the active participation of people as well as the Armed Forces in defending the motherland. The Liberation War of 1971 provided us a battle-tested organizational structure which can be revived during the TPW.
2. Communication is a prime winning factor of a combat force. Every warfare demands sound execution of Command and Control (C2). A commander is comfortable when there is no failure in communication in any part of his campaign. The Corps of Signals provides communication to Bangladesh Army both in peace and war. It has equal importance both in conventional war and UCW. A smooth transition during the promulgation of TPW would be one of the major challenges faced by the commanders at all levels. This would not be easy task as the signal units themselves will be making the transition. However, they ought to ensure uninterrupted communication between various echelons of command before, during and after the transition.
3. The training and preparation of Corps of Signals is mainly concerned to support Bangladesh Army in battlefield. Corps of