INDEX S.No | Item | 1 | Introduction | 2 | General Layout | 3 | Towing Equipment | 4 | Stinger | 5 | Brief overview of pipe laying operations | 6 | Sea securing | 7 | AHT Posh Constant |
Attended on board the PLB Fortuna at ZPMC shipyard dock ‘0’, from June 04 to June 19 for the purpose of assisting the Owners H&M Underwriters tow worthy warranty surveyor from M/S Bureau Vogtschmidt and local MSA towage survey for the voyage from Shanghai to Kholmsk.
The purpose of the tow worthy survey was to ensure that all loose items on the barge are secured to be able to withstand the forces that could be experienced on the sea passage and that both the tug and barge were sea worthy. The surveyor took rounds daily to have a look at the existing conditions and to outline his expectations/requirements. The Fortuna had been in ZPMC shipyard since December 2010, for the fitting of a new stinger, and due to the long duration of stay in dry-dock the scope and volume of work required for the sea securing was quite large. However the crew worked very hard to ensure that vessel passed the tow worthy inspection and the certificate was finally issued on June 19, 0700LT (1) hour prior the scheduled departure time.
In addition to having photographs of the sea fastenings taken as below have also included general information about the Fortuna and its pipe laying operations.
It was also however noted that instead of the new officers who joined being initially trained or taught about the practical operations and handling of the barge, too much emphasis was instead being given to deal with the “audit” findings of the EXXON, including detailed power point presentations for the same but just a cursory explanation of the actual operation of the barge. 1. Securing on deck.
2. Securing in pipe laying gallery.