
Shirley And Abigail

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Variables and Solutions to Conflict in the Workplace:
The case of Shirley and Abdul.

Variables and Solutions to Conflict in the Workplace:
The case of Shirley and Abdul
There are many different relationships in the workplace between equals, people in authority and the less powered. In the case of Shirley and Abdul, conflict has arisen due to a lack of communication and interest in each other’s needs. Variables need to be considered by the mediator who is helping to resolve their issues (Forsyth 2009). Shirley and Abdul’s cognitive, emotional and behavioural dimensions need to be addressed, as well as how they have both approached and see the conflict, and also contributing factors of power and culture.
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It needs to also include the understanding of someone’s cognitive (perception) and emotional (feelings) alongside the behavioural (action) dimensions (pg4). By reading the statements that Shirley and Abdul both submitted and applying it to the above statement, it’s easy to see that Shirley’s feelings of conflict are evolving highly from her perception that Abduls actions are deliberate towards her. This can be seen in her statement when Shirley interprets Abduls actions as underlying her, treating her as a team member and implying that Shirley is working for Abdul – not with him. As for Abdul, he is under the perception that the conflict is mostly in Shirley’s imagination and she is “too-sensitive” about the previous situations. Abdul isn’t displaying many outward emotions about this conflict, however his actions of calling meetings and signing himself as project manager are the subject of Shirley’s discontent. In the case of Shirley and Abdul, looking at the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural dimensions aren’t in depth enough to truly understand where this conflict is coming from. To understand more in depth the motivation behind Shirley and Abduls conflict, Mayer (2012) proposes using the ‘Wheel of …show more content…

It explains that in conflict, every party has their needs in a conflict and looking at communication, emotions, values, history and structure may be an influence in the underlying cause (Mayer 2010). Through their statements it is clear to see that Shirley and Abdul haven’t had much effective communication with each other. The quality of substance in communication is the most important factor in communication (Deutsch, M. Coleman, P. & Marcus, E. 2006), and Shirley and Abduls statements are both missing situations of effective communication. The History of Shirley and Abdul is also important to address as it also combines with emotions that may be influencing the current conflict. Shirley might still be struggling with working as an equal to Abdul as she previously didn’t think Abdul was right for the position in the first place. Abduls initial rejection from Shirley during his job interview, may have left Abdul with feelings of needing to prove himself to Shirley, hence his determination to be a great leader. This can be seen in his actions of initiative to call meetings and sign himself as project manager. By using the Wheel of Conflict, it is clear to see that communication, history, and emotions may be the underlying principles of Shirley and Abduls

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