My process begins before I put pen to paper. I lock myself in a quiet room, shut off my phone, and turn on some eighties hair band music. One thing that helps me write is listening to music. It blocks out distractions and irritating background noises.…
In elementary and middle school, we were all taught to write first drafts before writing our final copies. Teachers would tell us it is important to take the time to write and organize our thoughts and ideas before writing a final copy. I would never complete this step. I was usually one of the students that would spend my time writing to just get the writing done. Then, I would look over it quickly and correct only few parts. My “first draft” would usually end up being my final draft. I have never enjoyed writing and have never really liked my own writing. My writing was never the one talked about by teachers or ever given a good grade. I would never bother fixing my first draft because I never thought I could make it into a good quality paper. Lamott describes a brilliant writer sitting down and writing a polished piece of work in one sitting and then goes on to explain how that never happens. I found that really comforting because that is how I imagined many people writing. Now I know that is usually not how it happens. This made me realize that good writing just takes time. Some people might be better writers than others, but the way Lamott describes writing makes it seem that anyone can become good writer. I just need to take the time to write out my ideas to form an awful first draft that can later be revised into a “terrific” final…
In this child’s draft of just visions and impulsive thoughts, she lets it all gush out and let it slope all over the place, thinking that only yourself are going to see it and shape the draft later. After cutting out lines and phrases that she doesn’t need, she would continue on to rewriting a better second draft. She used to write food reviews for a California magazine; from there, the writer learned a lot that food reviewing was not only typing and commenting on the food but it also need a clear structure of explanation. Lastly, Lamott tells readers that this whole rough drafts process is just a persisting cycle, and it will soon happen again. If I use some of these techniques that Lamott mentioned in this paper, then maybe I can begin to have some comfort when writing my first draft and to create wonderful pieces of art that are out of my potential. No matter how “shitty” the first copy may be,…
In the book Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott, she writes an excerpt, Shitty First Drafts, which is about the impact and importance of the first drafts of writing. Anne explains in the beginning of this excerpt that all writers write shitty first drafts and the drafts get better as you write more and work on the writing more. Lamott claims that “writing is not rapturous,” she explains that the only way that she can write anything well is to write a very bad first draft and just work on fixing that. She explains that sometimes you just have to type and get your ideas written out to be able to write a good piece of work. Once someone has been writing for so long, they have to have the ability to be able to just trust their writing process and understand that the first draft isn’t going to be perfect. Nothing is perfect on the first try, you have to keep working at it. Sometimes the first draft will be the worst thing someone thinks they have ever written, but they just have to go back to it and try to make it better and revise what is wrong. A writer has to start somewhere and they work from there. Just because the first draft is a bad draft doesn’t mean that the final work will be terrible. The first draft is the terrible draft, the second draft is the slightly better draft that has been picked through lightly to better, and the final draft is the “dental draft.” The dental draft is the draft that you really pick through and make sure that everything is perfect. In other words, the final product is checked “dentally” to make sure that it is “healthy” so that the final product is perfect. Lamott’s entire excerpt is just explaining that whether or not your first draft is perfect or not, the final product will definitely be better and more acceptable.…
In “Shitty First Drafts,” a selection from Bird by Bird (1994), Anne Lamott claims that in order to write effectively it is necessary to just get a first draft written down, no matter how crappy it may be. She does this by disproving the assumption that great authors just sit down and magically spit out an amazing piece of work and by sharing her own experience writing awful first drafts. Ms. Lamott, an accomplished author, shared her experiences in order to demonstrate how all readers need to write that abhorrent first draft. She is writing to other, less-experienced writers to reassure them, and to help them become better writers.…
Anne Lamott’s “Shitty First Drafts” is an argument and an admission from an industry veteran. A Herculean effort may be necessary for writing because life requires the same strain. Lamott’s personal conflicts and self-doubt have built an amazing opportunity to use her story to convince her audience that for some people, perfectionism and self-criticism can be the cause of failure. Through the prolific use of metaphor in the form of personification and interesting similes relating to her personal experiences, Lamott lays a foundation in her life story and aggressively finishes with a sound logical argument. For Lamott, it is okay to have shitty first drafts because those are just a step in the difficult process of writing.…
In Anne Lamott’s article “Shitty First Drafts,” the author writes about first draft that are “incoherent, hideous” and just downright “shitty.” The author explains how even professional writers sit at their desks with fear in their eyes, and desperation in their heart dreading the writing process hoping to get some type of enlightenment that will help them write their next story. Lamott then goes on to elaborate how that fear and anguish is exactly what great authors need to create their masterpiece. According to Lamott a “child’s draft,” is exactly what writers need to get their ideas on paper. A “child’s draft” is usually the first draft where thoughts flow freely, later the writer goes back polishes the shitty first draft to create a decent…
‘Shitty first drafts’ is an excerpt from the book Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. It informs us about the importance of the shitty first drafts in the development of quality content for books, articles, essays and whatever else a writer intends to produce. Lamott claims that all writers write these drafts and that is how they eventually end up with the great subsequent drafts that they release to the public. She adds that the idea people have where a writer wakes up and has it all together in terms of what they will write is a fallacy that rarely happens. The author informs us that the only effective way through which she does her writing is by first putting down ‘really, really shitty first drafts.’ She begins by letting out all the ideas she has on paper bearing in mind that no one is going to see what she has written. This gives her the confidence to go on. Even though these ideas may be all over the place, there is something in the midst of it all that stands out and leads her in the direction that she would take. She explains to us by saying,…
Lower Your Standards While Drafting, talk it out, change how and where you write, use both sides of your brain, stop procrastinating…
In "Bird by Bird" Anne Lamott is trying to teach how good writing is about telling the truth on the first day of workshop. "So you might start by writing down every single thing you can remember from your first few years of school." (Lamott 4). She teaches the students that its sometimes a easy way to start off with some of your memories that you can remember. Also you should not never worry if your writing is good or not because the only people who are going to see it is you and the teacher. Lamott refers to the students through out the passages giving them examples on how they might feel and how they should just pray, and just hope that the words come out just the way they want it to. I learned that sometimes you just should just write what…
The essay entitled, Perfectionism was an inspiring piece, discussing that of which haunts all writers: perfect writing. The over all though of perfectionism seemed to be that it was a curse but one that could be over come. Perfectionism seemed to focus more on acceptance of mistakes, and enjoying the process instead of forcing a perfect product. Lamott's Shitty First Drafts, to me seemed more focused on a subtopic of perfectionism. Letting the urge to write carry you, type whatever it is the story demands of you then... simply fix it up later.…
Everybody has probably experienced writer’s block sometime in their life, and it can be very frustrating. When you do get writer’s block, it makes you distracted because your mind goes off into its own world. The more you get distracted, the harder it is to concentrate. Then whatever it is you have to write ends up taking so long it feels like time itself slows to a stop, and your eyes go blurry from staring at the screen for so long. Seriously, that happened to me writing the first draft of this. It's especially bad when you have to adjust to a new form of writing. For example, first year college writing, papers in a new field of study, longer essays that you aren’t used to, or a long research paper, like the Senior Mastery Project, which should be called the Senior Misery Project. I especially hate writing for a reader who have been overly critical or demanding in the past, or when I remember negative criticism received in the past, even if the reader who criticized my work won’t be reading my writing…
The five most important takeaways of chapter one are the suggestions on how to decide what to write about, drafting, the differences between revising and editing, purpose, and audience. Discovering what to write about is important because it will shape your entire paper. If a writer does not begin knowing what they are writing about it will lead to added revision later. Also, drafting is imperative because a writer must be willing to attempt different ideas during this stage. This stage is the time to experiment with all different ideas. Likewise, the difference between revising and editing a paper is essential to knowing how to correct writing. Chapter one explains revision is meant to help with the flow and organization of the writing, while…
She explains that her first drafts are always so bad that she is terrified of the thought of any one else seeing them before she has a chance to revise them. Her and Bolker both think that it’s most important to get your ideas out and onto paper rather than trying to get the piece perfect on the first try. Both also agree that writing is a very important skill that needs to be practiced, and contrary to popular belief it doesn’t come easy for even the best writers. I agree with them mostly. I usually take a similar approach to writing, I start early enough where I can revise the paper or piece at least two times before the deadline. I also usually write an awful introduction because I find that that is the hardest place for me to write. Once I get past the introduction I find that it isn’t too hard to continue the writing, unless I’m writing about something I really don’t find interesting at all. Once you blow through the rough parts the other parts should come somewhat naturally, and if they don’t you could just write a terrible piece and keep revising. My recommendation would be along the lines of Bolkers and Lamott's. Just start and get through the piece, it doesn’t matter if it isn’t the best because you can always come back to it and make it better. This means take your time, but also don’t over analyze your initial writing since it isn’t the final…
When students must write an essay they often struggle with the starting process of coming up with the idea and once they’ve even done that they may struggle with figuring out how to start it. This makes writing the first draft the hardest, especially for inexperienced writers, for example student writers, who often feel like they’re expected write perfectly the first time. First drafts are the first version of a paper that someone has written, with the number of drafts varying depending on the writer and when they feel that they’ve accomplished what they want to with that piece of writing. Anne Lamott’s article Shitty “First Drafts” writes about how important first drafts are in her revision process, and describes her personal process of writing. Also, Doug Downs’ article “Revision is Central to Developing Writing” helps further the importance of first drafts, and even further the revision process. The mentality that we must…