Shoe Horn Sonata is an impressive story of courage, hope, horror and friendship. This play is a tribute to commemorate the bravery of the women and to make their story of survival widely known. The historical context that the story has enables us to learn about the past events and to understand the true meaning of war and its consequences. The play draws on real events. Misto uses the play to demonstrate the devastation of war and the human spirit and will to survive, both prevalent themes throughout the play. Such themes are exemplified to the audience through the use of dramatic techniques such as music, projected …show more content…
photographs, voice-over, sound effects, symbolism and humour.
A Terrible Secret is a documentary of a grandmother, Jan Ruff-O’Herne and her terrible secret, a secret (she was being raped at the POW camps during world war two by the japs) that took fifty years to come to terms with before, finally, she reveals it in a letter to her daughters. The documentary is showing the audience the distinctly visual and how the clever use of images helps to tell her story.
The characters portrayed within the novel are seen as realistic and authentic, this is because Misto uses certain language techniques such as humour, when Bridie stitched a rusty pin into Lipstick Larry’s Loin Cloth.
Also when the Australian Nurses were pretending to have tuberculoses, Bridie mentions with humour “that night turned me off blind dates forever”. John Misto also used distinctly visual images to shape meaning and understanding of audience. His first distinctly visual image is where the black and white projected photographs have been shown to us a slide show of the Japanese where is there plot face are not shown in full. This shapes the audience understand that they look sinister where in other words dangerous and mysterious. This has also been seen in terrible secret that at the start of the documentary you see black and white footages of the war and the japs. This shows the audience the brutality of the …show more content…
Although we don’t see pictures of young bridie and Sheila but we hear voice over in the background of them in the young age. This makes the audience feel and imagine that its for real. Also the documentary there is a split screen image of Jan while she was young and an old woman. This show how radiant she was as a young woman and who she is now. It is also accompanied by the voice over her daughter is saying “my mother is a beautiful woman”. John Misto has also shaped the audience understanding of using distinctly visual in the super eight footage which demonstrates happier prosperous times that proceeded her imprisonment. This has also been seen in the documentary by photographs that presented a historical background of a peaceful family life before the documentary revealed her personal, horrific story. The technique re-encampments have been used in the documentary where the Japanese soldiers walking Jan through the brothel, this helps the audience clearly visualize her memories of certain incidents. In comparison the shoe horn sonata volunteering brothel.
In the terrible secret while the daughter is reading the letter that mum has written for her the camera is panning over the words as demotions to the daughter retelling of discovering their mothers experience.
In comparison of the shoe horn sonata Sheila finally tells the truth to bridie of what had really happened to her. This was shown in scene eight page58 (n’t usee I was scared. I hated those coffins those awful bamboo boxes that the Japanese made us use. Twenty women all are struggling just to carry one between us. I wasn’t going to carry, Bridie I couldn’t let you die and leave me. I wouldn’t have survived so I went to the
In the terrible secret there is a repetition of the flower which has a strong motive in this documentary. Jan Ruff-O’hern re-called that the POW women’s were forced into sexually slavery, by the Japanese soldiers had been issued with names of flowers. This has a negative impact of how she feels about flowers, later in life. This has also been visualized in the play ‘shoe horn sonata by the repetition of the shoe horn which also has a strong motive in the play because it’s a magic charm for bridie and Sheila.
Darkness of the night can be compared to Sheila’s dialogue (Pg 71) ‘every night when I fall asleep, Lip Stick Larry is waiting. He calls me and I go to him and no one can change that not even you.’