Science Investigatory Project
Submitted By: Prince Charles J. Rosario Angelico Lemuel Galangan
Submitted To: Mrs. Vilma Delino
Gr. 7-Love
After the financial crisis erupted in late 1990’s until today,more people seemingly shifted,or partly,used traditional fuel in cooking their food.There was a tremendous increase in demand for charcoal as fuel.Since then,a significant increase in supply of charcoal also came to the country. By this,the researchers find another use of the raw material,coconut oil was believed to be useful as a shoe polish.T his study aims to determine the feasibility of charcoal and coconut oil as a shoe polish. Using a mortar and pestle,dried charcoal blocks were pounded and powdered.Meanwhile,using a clean cloth,the milk was extracted from the kernel ,then collected in a clean container.The milk was then heated until tha oil was formed.Charcoal and coconut oil were prepared in three different solutions,Solution A has 7.5 grams Charcoal and 2.5 mL coconut oil,Solution B has 2.5 grams charcoal and 7.5 mL coconut oil,Solution C has 5 grams charcoal and 5 mL coconut oil.Three pairs of black leather shoes,but not completely identical,were used as a sample to this study.Each pair was applied with one solution labeled accordingly,The pairs of shoes were observed for two weeks.Each pair was assessed texture,color,and the number of days the shine lasted. Towards the end of my study,I found out that Solution C,composed of 5 grams charcoal and 5 mL of coconut oil,is the best possible ratio that can be used in preparing a good shoe polish.Shoes A,applied with Solution A ,turns into coarse and rough texture.It became dark black,but gave a minimal shine to the shoes.Shoes B ,applied with Solution B,tuned into oily and smooth texture.The greater amount of coconut oil than