In recent discussions of the value of a Liberal Arts education, David Foster Wallace argues that the most important aspect of such is learning to have an awareness of one’s surroundings. In his address to a college graduating class, called “Kenyon Commencement Speech,” he tells of his concerns that too much of our daily lives is focused on ourselves and too little on paying attention to things around us. We’re only concerned about our point of view when we should be open to more possibilities. An example that he gives of this is when we are stuck in traffic after being cut off by another car. If we’re focused on ourselves, we will just become agitated and angry.…
On Friday, March 11, 2016 my unit, Ben Morrell Battalion, and I arrived at Nancy Reagan’s funeral at around 0700 to honor the guests attending. We were stationed around the front entrance waiting for the guests to arrive. When the guests arrived, we snapped to attention and stood there until they had passed. I did not know who most of the guests were that passed us, but we did have the honor to greet Newt Gingrich and his wife, Larry King, and Tom Selleck. We alternated from at ease to attention for about two hours for the guests. When all of the guests had arrived, we witnessed the motorcade carrying the First Lady, former first ladies, and our former President. It was an honor to see and be in the presence of our country’s leaders. In between…
"The Commencement Speech You'll Never Hear" Reading Journal” In the essay written by Jacob Neusner, “The Commencement Speech You'll Never Hear" it talks about the way that schools do prepare students, which the writer mentioned it as something that is not useful. Furthermore, in the essay, the writer mentioned that Many schools and colleges nowadays do prepare students for the unreal world and does not make people ready for the real life. Moreover, he said that in the college if a person faced a problem or something that he/she could not deal with can easily drop it. However, in the real world if someone had to be in a difficulty he/she cannot run away from it by dropping it.…
Congratulations on being five classes away from graduating! I have about another one to two years left, and I am more than ready to be finished. I do not really have a favorite pro-sports team, but I am a huge fan of the Texas Longhorns. I hope you achieve your goals and have a wonderful winter semester as…
Judith Beveridge is a poet of great detail. Her poems are written with strong use of language. Strong imagery of her observations and contrasts of her views help create her poems meaning and effect on the reader. Beveridge’s texts are valuable to the understanding of human and nature’s precious life, and her appreciation for life in all. Through her two poems ‘the domesticity of Giraffes’ and ‘the streets of Chippendale’ these both communicate her ideas and values the strongest.…
This is Brittany Wills- Student Support Advisor at DeVry University. I am reaching out to you on Will Lilly behalf. I am working with the student concerning his Voc Rehab missing payments. The payments that the student is question are from Nov 2015, March 2016, May 2016, and July 2016.…
Graduation caps fly into the air, cheers erupt, and diplomas are received. This is a typical graduation day. Not only did these ceremonial events take place for Tulane University's class of 2009, but Ellen DeGeneres was there to congratulate them as well! This class was dubbed the "Katrina Class" for being survivors of the devastating Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Katrina was named one of the deadliest Hurricanes, causing more than 1,836 deaths. Tulane University is located in New Orleans, Louisiana, where the most significant amount of deaths took place and 80 percent of the city was destroyed. These graduates have survived a lot , and Ellen wants to congratulate them on their achievements. In Ellen’s commencement speech to the Tulane University class of 2009, the use of rhetorical questions, allusions, metaphors, and hyperbole gives the graduates a time to reflect upon their years at the University, connecting with the speaker, and maintain a light the mood by the use of comedy.…
The session that I attended was Dolores Huerta speech, which was very interesting. Dolores Huerta was born on April 10, 1930, she is a labor leader and civil rights activist who, along with Cesar Chavez, co-founded the national Farmworkers association, which later became the United Farm Workers (UFW). Huerta has received numerous awards for her community service and advocacy for workers, immigrants, and women’s rights. She is truly a leader, working tirelessly to help the poor and women and children. She talks about war, genocide, Mass incarceration, and poverty. During her participation in non-violent protest she was arrested 22 times trying to make changes in society. Her main question was what can we do as people to solve things in the world? Putting political issues on politicians. She talks about how change comes from the bottom, people have to be responsible because at the end of the day no one is going to make changes for us we as people have to make them for ourselves.…
I. For many generations it has been believed that the woman's place is within the walls of her own home. But I am here today to tell you otherwise. I am here to tell you forget what others have told you. America is changing; therefore you must change with it.…
David Foster Wallace brings a completely different approach to commencement speeches in his “Kenyon Commencement Speech.” He strays away from the typical commencement speech topics on “extraordinary wealth,” “comfort,” or “personal freedom” (208). Instead Wallace emphasizes the real value of a liberal arts education, which is learning “how to think” (199).…
Transition----After finally growing up Jaqueline had some major turns about to happen in her life…
From a black southern child born into poverty, to one of the first African-Americans to become a billionaire, this person is an example of what some may call a “rag to riches” story. Now, at the age of 52, she owns her own studio, that is worth about 1.4 billion dollars, and is admired by millions of people. But the path that led her from her grandmother’s farm, to being one of the most powerful people in the world, didn’t happen overnight. It took great determination and focus.…
Friends and fellow citizens of Maycomb, nowadays there are many social problems existing in the world. But today, I would like to discuss one of the biggest problems in my opinion, which is women’s rights. I am standing here before all of you to discuss about the right for women to serve on juries.…
This speech was about three lessons that Oprah Winfrey has come across in her professional and personal life. She talked about striving to be yourself and not anyone else and how you can grasp failure and turn it around by embracing it and finding the solution, and lastly how happiness comes when you give back to others.…
In conclusion, let me say that children need to overcome and they can overcome fears with adequate practice…