One day he was notified that there was an elephant roaming around the street. The elephant was however not wild but everyone were frightened since it was enormous and disrupting. It made people even more detest when they misunderstood assuming that it had killed a native as he lay under the elephant. The situation was messed up and everyone commanded him, to kill it. In the reading, Orwell stated, “It seemed to me that it would be murder to shoot him”. This depicted that it was unusual and malicious of him to kill the elephant. Next, it also supported that he had no intention in killing the elephant as it was calmly eating grass just like a cow and took no notice of the crowd’s approach. Furthermore, he realized that it gave no threat for the people. However, the immense crowd just didn’t support his intention. It was a kind of a free and fascinating attraction for the people. They were looking at him like a sorcerer performing a magic trick and were momentarily worth watching performance. He wrote, “If the elephant charged and I missed him, I should have about as much chance as a toad under a steam-roller”. This sentence showed that he was anxious and tensional if the gunshot were not fired, it would be sardonic and outrageous. He shot it for about five times and it took half an hour for the hulk to die. The natives somehow were forcing him to shoot the elephant. Orwell could not do anything but shooting the elephant. The first reason he shot the elephant was to avoid looking like a fool in the public. The second reason was that he was pressured by the natives to kill the elephant.
I thought that Orwell described how he felt when he had to kill the