As he sees more and more destruction, he sends a local to get a friends elephant rifle. He does this because the gun that he had brought is not powerful enough to kill an elephant. This point is where the character changes, possibly for the worst. When he gets the rifle he goes and searches for the beast. One of the locals tells him that the elephant is down in the rice patty. The quote “They had seen the rifle and where all shouting excitedly that I was going to kill the elephant.” Shows how the locals are trying to make the officer think that he should kill the beast. This point in the story the main character slowly being changed from the beginning of the story. You can tell that the he does not want to kill the elephant but more that he thinks that he has to kill the elephant. He thinks this because as he moves down to the patty the elephant is just slapping its self with grass across the knees; but 2000 locals standing behind him give him a vibe that he should shoot the beast. He thinks this because if he didn’t shoot the elephant, and the elephant went wild, he would have possible been laughed at. he believes that there is only one alternative, and that is when he shoved the cartridge into the magazine and lays down on the road to get a better aim. “When I pulled the trigger I did not hear the nag or feel the kick-one never does when a shot goes home-but I heard the devilish
As he sees more and more destruction, he sends a local to get a friends elephant rifle. He does this because the gun that he had brought is not powerful enough to kill an elephant. This point is where the character changes, possibly for the worst. When he gets the rifle he goes and searches for the beast. One of the locals tells him that the elephant is down in the rice patty. The quote “They had seen the rifle and where all shouting excitedly that I was going to kill the elephant.” Shows how the locals are trying to make the officer think that he should kill the beast. This point in the story the main character slowly being changed from the beginning of the story. You can tell that the he does not want to kill the elephant but more that he thinks that he has to kill the elephant. He thinks this because as he moves down to the patty the elephant is just slapping its self with grass across the knees; but 2000 locals standing behind him give him a vibe that he should shoot the beast. He thinks this because if he didn’t shoot the elephant, and the elephant went wild, he would have possible been laughed at. he believes that there is only one alternative, and that is when he shoved the cartridge into the magazine and lays down on the road to get a better aim. “When I pulled the trigger I did not hear the nag or feel the kick-one never does when a shot goes home-but I heard the devilish