This paper was starting with the shopping experience of Marie LaTortue who is shopaholics. She shops crazyly. However, the author did not be scared and wrote that” Marie scares me a little. Not because what she's saying sounds alien to me, but because I can see a bit of myself in her.” Moreover, the author was introduced shopaholism as a “sickness”, as she wrote Marie told her that. Then, she thinks that compulsive shopping is a disorder of classic american. Psychologist Emil Kraepelin is the first one to define excessive shopping as an illness, which is oniomania. Sociologist Ronald Faber also thinks that shopaholism is much like alcoholism. The same as Chicago psychoanalyst Robert Galatzer-Levy metioned compulsice shopping is a case of the ordinary pleasures. Nevertheless, University of Cincinnati psychiatry professor Susan McElroy, implys shopaholism as "irresistible, intrusive and/or senseless." With the saying of Lauren Land, "There's no feeling that compares with the feeling I get when I hand over my credit card,", The author mentioned the credit cards as one of the crimes led people to be shopaholics. In the part called “ plastic fantastic”, it was talking about how do credit cards cost trobles and how much does it tend to make us spend more. The power is called “unreality principle”, and it “ 'decouple' the pain of paying for things from the pleasure of buying them”. People feel free when buy things. Later, the author told us that promise is a medicine, the “antidepressant Celexa” may help shoppers. Getting away of crdit cards and checkbook is a way of quit shopping. The last part “ under mouse arrest” was talking about the online shopping, even if we do not go to shops on the streets, but still we could not stop shopping online. This paper is the one that introduced me what is shopaholism.
reference of literature 2
Pandey, K.K. & Pandey, M. & Kerwar, M. & Khare, A. & Singh, D. (2011). Is shopping addiction or