Through the analyse above, we can see that students have a trend to buy product online for their entertainment. In normal days, they may not concern about shopping because they have many assignments or tasks to do. Therefore, the percentage of shopping is quite low. However, in special days or holidays, students tend to spend more time on shopping online. Overall, shopping online is a spontaneously action.
The next graph shows kind of products which are concerned by HSU students. There are many choices, but we can see mostly are clothing, kind of tickets, electronic devices and cosmetic. Now, we will go deeply into details to know more about the reasons of these choices.
According to the chart above, the best seller on the internet is clothing. It was paid attention to by 48%. As a general trend, both male and female respondents concerned about clothing because it is easy to choose, customers just need to follow the style and stable size. Moreover, faulty products can be changed easier than others products. As is shown, about 21% of kind of tickets are intersted by students. They tend to book tickets on the internet because they do not have time to buy tickets directly or do not want to queue in long line. Eletronic devices accounted for 11% of goods students want to buy online. Cosmetic had the concernment of 9%, just less than the proportion of electronic devices by 3%. Finally, others products made up