SeaWorld was but on the deaths of Orcas. In 1965 the first ever Orca performance was held. The whale that performed was a female Orca named Shamu. When Shamu was still just a baby she was captured and taken from her parents. During her capture though her mother was killed by a man named Ted Griffin using a harpoon. Ted worked for SeaWorld in capturing Orcas. Sadly Shamu’s mother was not the last of the deaths to occur on their expeditions to catch Orcas. SeaWorld even went to the extreme of …show more content…
The Orcas continued suffering after that as well having to live in small confined places. Having to live in places as such has taken a toll on the whales. Orcas that live in captivity have a much shorter lifespans compared to a whale in the wild. The average life expectancy for a Killer Whale in the wild is estimated to be between thirty all the way to fifty. That is just an estimate though, there have been recording of whales living up to eighty years old! Orcas in captivity they have a median age of just nine years old. Most articles say that the reason for premature deaths to occur to these animals is things such as stress and being malnourished. Orcas in SeaWorld are being overworked in intense training for shows and since they are not being fed the right amount of nutrients because of their synthetic based diet premature death