General principles:
The short-listing process is confidential and the panel should be at least two members.
Any member of the Appointment/Short-listing Panel, who knows any candidate, must declare this to the Panel Chair.
The short-listing matrix should be used to record the process and will form part of the Recruitment and Selection documents kept by HR for legal reasons.
DO NOT introduce any new criteria at the short-listing stage.
Reasons for success and rejection of candidates must be written down. The forms must be completed fully, legibly and appropriately as candidates can request feedback and to see all of the Recruitment & Selection documents.
Using the Matrix:
Each member of the short-listing panel should have their own copy of the matrix.
The short-listing matrix should be used to record the panel’s considerations of each applicant and show clearly which applicants meet which criteria and why they were short-listed.
All completed shortlist matrix should be returned to HR together with all application forms. These will be kept on file in HR for 3 months from the interview date in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
The matrix must clearly show the date of the shortlisting panels meeting; job title of the vacant post; names and signatures of those who shortlisted.
No weighting will be attached to any of the skills (no more importance will be given to one essential criteria than another).
How to score
0- No demonstration of skill/ experience/ qualification
1- Mentions the skill/ experience/ qualification
2- Mentions and brief example of skill/ experience/ qualification
3- In depth example and detail of skill/ experience/ qualification and relates their example back to the Job Description.
You should use the scoring matrix using the essential criteria.
If a candidate gets a 0 for any of the essential criteria they should not be shortlisted, as they do NOT meet the essential requirements of the