• Different environment& atmosphere contributes to our sense of belonging.
• Adapting after a while strengthens the sense of belonging, knowing the place a bit, feeling comfortable.
• Shifting back to civilization, feels out of place, not belonging, shifting in with different surrounding.
• Upbringing places a part in our sense of belonging
• Technology-internet-find someone with the same interest and sense of belonging kicks in. E.g. Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, Myspace.
• Perspective of others shifts our sense of belonging
• Obstacles and struggling creates a feel of not belonging and break apart a sense of security.
• Enjoyment and change of attitude (positive) helps build sense of belonging.
• After being placed in a different place, conditions, our experience alters our sense of belonging
Example: Going on holidays and returning home, takes a period of time to feel the feeling of belonging again.
• Preparation doesn’t help with the sense of belonging.
• Being familiar to the way and knowing the comfort zone (when you are at a place you don’t know/never been to) - supports sense of belonging.
• Stereotype media - acceptance only through appearance- determining whether you belong or not.
• Belonging is a choice.
• Knowledge and stereotype makes others feel like they don’t belong.
• No desire to change - belonging
• Belonging is a journey
• Individuals don’t feel like they belong due to self and the desire to not change.
• Belonging is everywhere, what you wear makes you belong to a certain brand, it all comes down to you whether you want to belong& who wants you to belong. Remember along with “belonging” there is always “isolation” that follows.
• Stronger responses - shows the relationship/ significant between texts.
• Why do people do the things? – REPRESENATION e.g. why does the characters do those actions/ Why has the author/ artist/ producer make or use certain techniques instead of the others.
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