Helen Keller once said, “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence”(brainyquotes.com). The level of faith that someone has can really show their true character and personality. This is shown in the story Peace Like A River by Leif Enger. This story is about a small rural family that is placed with an immense burden after the eldest son Davy kills two local boys and escapes prison. The Land family ventures out to find him and can rely on faith alone. Faith plays the role in the story of further developing the Land family’s personalities by showing the contrast between their belief and practicality.
Jeremiah is the “strongest” character in the story in implementing pro-faith …show more content…
After Bethany delivers the pie, Reuben sits and listens to Jeremiah’s guitar playing and thinks, “Fair is whatever God wants to do”(294). Reuben accepts that God is in control and is faithful that God will be fair to him because it is “whatever God wants to do.” Reuben is like the median example of faith in this story. He tries to figure out his faith and what he believes, and whether if he should use his brain rather than his faithful heart. But in the end, he proceeds to grow in faith throughout the book and comes to realize that God is in control, and his true character along grows along with his faith.
Whether the Land family members had faith or not, faith showed the type of person each of them are and develops their characters. The level of faith a person has really shows what type of person they are. Whether that person is faithful and a believer, or is an unfaithful person, the level of faith they have really plays a role in what decisions they make, and how their life plays out. As Joel Osteen once put it, “I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you’re grateful, you’ll see God open up new