John was one of the hardest working men on the railroads. He was a tall and very well built man that knew how to work a hammer and some steel. Everyone got word that a machine that was capable of doing the labor much quicker than men could John became very upset. Eventually John challenged the steam drill to see who could lay track down the fastest. This is where John really showed everyone what the kind of ma he is. John’s determination was at full blast in this moment and his dignity was on the line, If he lost he would lose himself, but if he won he would show the world how strong a man can be in a time of pressure and crisis. …show more content…
For a whole day and then another half a day John and the machine layed railroad tracks down. After john beat the machine he grew sick and died. Why would this happen? Even though John had beaten the machine he himself had exerted too much and worked too hard and in the end he didn’t make it. John Henry lives on though through the folklore and songs, he was one of the strongest willed men the might have ever lived, and his drive and passion for what he loved doing never stopped him once until his