ENG102 9/19/13
Chapter 6 Essay
“America is Ethnic”
In the short story “The Chinese in All of Us”, Rodriguez says, “I think of myself as Chinese” (242). It only brought the thought to my attention that he must be confused. Like most minorities, he gives off the impression that he’s trying to “fit in” America. Searching for identity and suiting himself with redundant thoughts for the comfort of acceptance and feeling the pleasures of the modern American society. I am a minority and I’m expressing from experience. Rodriguez says, “… culture is something we breathe, sweat, and live”. (242). If this is true, then what is his reasoning for choosing to identify with one ethnic culture other than his own? Why would not he just …show more content…
In today’s society the African American community still dominates the music industry with song and dance. Recording artists such as Michael Jackson, Jay Z, Whitney Houston, Beyonce, Chuck Berry, Little Wayne, and Janet Jackson are few of the many African American artists that have influenced America with their traditional ethnic rituals of song and dance. Language has a profound effect on ethnic diversity (perhaps the most influential). According to the Wikipedia’s 2009 survey of languages in the United States, America speaks a total of three hundred and thirty seven different languages. These spoken languages are divided into percentages as follows: eighty percent English, twelve point four percent Spanish, three point seven percent Indo-European, three percent Asian and Pacific Islander, and the other category consists of point nine percent. Americans are becoming more and more bilingual as our society accepts new immigrants with new ideas, values, traditions, and cultures that shape and mold our …show more content…
But, somehow only to many minorities and immigrants, it appears in big bold letters. Determined by your social class and social status is your wealth. Many immigrants and minorities were either placed or birthed in low social classes. This forces us to work five times harder than the majority to receive the same benefits in America. It seems as if true identity is a taboo in America. You are who the government says you are, not who you know you are. It appears that the tradition of this country is to mark anything foreign and give it an American last name. Mexican American, Chinese American, and Shanika Thomas. Be proud to be Mexican American