Winter is the opportune time for property owner to have their trees trimmed. The fallen leaves allow landscapers to view structural weaknesses clearly and perform any necessary maintenance. This also reveals overlapped and rubbing branches. However, many property owners do not think of the wintertime to deal …show more content…
This is when tree-damaging fungi spread the most and foliage cuts heal the slowest.
Property owners can have their trees trimmed any time of year, but regular offseason trimming can result in poor growth during the spring months – when trees naturally flourish – and can expose growth to various vegetation diseases. Over time, offseason trimming can also weaken tree structures. A skilled landscaper will schedule trimming when it is healthiest for the tree. Competent landscapers schedule most pruning during late winter or just before trees sprout their leaves in spring. These also experts know when to trim which trees.
Typically, spring is the most damaging time for property owners to have their trees trimmed. This is when trees revitalize with nutrients stored during the winter months. If the landscaper does not know how to replace the lost nutrients during spring pruning, the foliage may suffer from shrinkage and other damage. So, contact your neighborhood arborist to beautify your tree line at the perfect time of year -