Short-term Premarital Relationships
Brenda M. Ellis
July 2, 2009
COUN 603
Liberty University
Short-term premarital relationships are the subject of debate in many families. The idea of a couple living together without being married is just one of the many problems in relationships today that end up going through divorce court. Short-term relationships do not have the staying power as one where the couples are getting to know one another for a longer period-of-time. The relationship does not have time to manifest into something that will last a lifetime. In this day and time, short-term relationships have a propensity to become a short-term life span. This report will give you the results of short-term premarital relationships and how they pan out in the end and for the future of these couples.
Short-Term Premarital Relationships
Couples today are more eager to marry than to get to know their partner better. In the article below, it will show the positive and the negative sides to short-term relationships prior to marrying.
Positive and Negative Outcomes
Long-term dating has its benefits when deciding if that other person is someone you want to marry. For example, the longer you date, the more likely you are to experience troublesome moments. These will test whether the other person has the strength to get through those moments with you. Sometimes trying times bring you closer together and make you surer about wanting to be with that person for a life-long commitment. The only downside is that you cannot truly know what the future holds and a very drastic event could still break the bonds of marriage. In short-term dating, the benefit of marrying immediately is that it is possible that you will both try very hard to make the marriage successful. You go into it with a lot of passion and romance. The downside is making sure that those feelings can be lasting and
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