On the ten year anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center, Hebshi was racially profiled along with two other men. This is racial profiling because they were suspected of a crime from an official law enforcement agent due to their race. They were pulled off their flight, and she was ordered to strip naked, squat, and cough while an officer looked at her. Not only must this have been embarrassing, but it is completely unconstitutional and against our 14th amendments as U.S. citizens. Just because racial profiling is unconstitutional, it doesn’t mean it is illegal. Actually, Homeland Security created the 287(g) program, which allows local law enforcement officers to enforce federal immigration law. This is a problem because it leaves the door open to racial profiling.
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Anytime you turn on the news you hear about the Black Lives Matter movement or other forms of racism from our president. It is difficult to rise above racial prejudice when our president is one of the main ones generating it. It is really sad to say that I don’t think Ms. Hebshi’s racial profiling situation would’ve been much different if it was to have happened today, regardless of the six year difference. Since Trump’s presidency it hasn’t been a secret that he thinks all Muslims are a threat, when that couldn’t be further from the truth. I hope to see the day where all races feel as wanted in our country as they