Would you like it if you weren’t alive because your mother aborted you? No, right? Exactly, abortion is one of the main problems that is happening often globally. Abortion is performed 40-50 million times every year. Surprising right? Women abort their unborn children due to unsafe sex, rape, and if the women is not ready for the baby. Abortion should be restricted because innocent, unborn children lose their lives and it can lead to various complications for women.
Abortion needs to be illegalized immediately, many innocent unborn children lose their lives to abortion. Abortion is a main global problem that happens too often. It happens to teenagers more than adults. Teenagers have unsafe sex or use methods that …show more content…
Some might say to allow abortion since it is taking a woman's right away. But, let's be honest here; what’s more important a woman’s right for a life of an unborn child? Some might say woman’s right and some might say an unborn child’s life. “Supporters of abortion rights argue that access to abortion has improved the lives of women in the United States.” Recently, researchers have been asking women opinions of abortion whose went through abortion themselves. They replied yes, it has improved my life by a ton no worrying to do of raising a child and no hard work for me (Abortion). Others support abortion because if they don’t abort the child they are forced to raise the unwanted child. “Access to abortion also improves women's opportunities and autonomy, supporters assert. Women who become pregnant at a young age, pro-choice advocates contend, are often constrained in what they can accomplish because they are forced to raise children.” Supporters argue that if women don’t abort the child, then they are automatically forced to raise the unwanted child. Which then they would be beat, abused, and taken out on. Well, then opposers argue to that reason, “why not put the child to adoption?” Then the child is no longer your responsibility and you”ll have a care free