I see the ban of "assault weapons" and other firearms as somewhat a joke. Anti-gun activists need to realize that if we ban firearms there will still be criminals that use firearms to do harm to the unarmed, …show more content…
It is ridiculous to even think about banning "assault weapons" because there is no such thing as an "assault weapons". This is a term the media has created to make semi-automatic firearms sound scary. A semi-automatic firearm is a firearm that can shoot a cartridge(or bullet) and automatically chamber another cartridge. Although some firearms looks scarier than others this doesn't mean they are any more dangerous. People buy these "scary" looking guns for home protection and hunting. We cannot even look at "assault weapons" as the culprit in this situation. "Assault weapons" like the AR-15 are only used in 24.6% of mass shootings nationwide. Handguns are used in 47.9% of mass shooting nationwide (according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation). How can anti-gun activists blame "assault weapons" like the AR-15? We should consider our options. Should there be an increase in background checks when purchasing a firearm? Or maybe we should address the issue of mentally ill and PTSD diagnosed citizens? Anti-gun activists are walking right around the