Mr. Torres
English 1
24 May 2013
Athletes Leaving College Early Should Not be Limited From past to present, sports have played a widely significant role in our history. Sports bring our communities together and offer fame to the athletes. Professional sports have been looked upon as a place of glory. From prestigious awards to high salaries, being a professional athlete is something most athletes dream of, but only a handful achieve. Growing up, many young children aspire to be professional athletes and strive to play even college sports someday. In recent years, athletics have been looked upon as equally, if not more, important than school itself. Many athletes sacrifice school in order to be successful because the draw, competition, and demand for athletes has dramatically grown. This has lead to a smaller margin of athletes to become professional. It is a mad race of talent, hard work, and perseverance. This has resulted in professional teams draft players in college and sometimes even in high school. Athletes leaving their education early to play sports professionally should not be limited or cut off because of the many benefits of going professional earlier.
As the number of college athletes is on the rise, so is the competition and the demand for athletes.
Leaving early allows athletes to make more of themselves earlier. From a young age, we are taught to use our skills to the best of our ability in order to make something great of ourselves. This is exactly what these athletes are doing. They are using the skill sets they have to make something great of themselves As the above chart shows, there is an increase in the number of college athletes. This has created a more competitive nature to college sports. Also, going professional earlier allows the player to make more money right out of college. Professional athletes directly out of college have the potential to make a very large salary quickly. This money can go towards various things
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