Being with more girls is good for everybody We find that both boys and girls do better when there are more girls in the class, Scientist concluded that classes with more than 55 percent of girls resulted in better exam results and less violent outbursts overall. It appears that this effect is due to the positive influence the girls are adding to the classroom environment, Boys with more female peers in their classes show higher enrollment rates in both advanced math and science classes, but overall benefits were found in all grades for both sexes.
Primary-school classrooms with a female majority showed increased academic success for both boys and girls, along with a notable improvement in subjects like science and math. In the middle schools, girls were found to have better academic achievement in English, languages and math. And in high school, the classrooms which had the best academic achievements overall were consistently those that had a higher proportion of girls enrolled. A higher percentage of girls lowers the amount of classroom disruption and fosters a better relationship between pupils and their teacher, a study of the data suggests. Teachers are less tired in classrooms with more girls, and pupils overall seem to be more satisfied when a high female-to-male ratio persists. American educators should reconsider the effects of the new trend of same-sex segregation on different sectors of society. Gains for girls from classroom gender segregation could be offset by the loss of boys.
Science lessons have been singled out for scrutiny in the renewed debate about whether the sexes should be schooled together. Co-education has been the trend for the past 40 years, over which time the number of single-sex state schools has plummeted from 2,500 to just 400, girls are put off by of the "intimidating" presence of boys in the classroom, and this could be responsible for the lack of interest in science and engineering