Many students in today’s modern age are what some people call “cell phone addicts” They feel the need to send that unnecessary text to their friend in the middle of class just because they feel bored. For this reason teachers find cell phones distracting. If a student is texting during class they cannot put their full, undivided attention into what the teacher is saying, there for what is the point of trying to explain something to someone who isn’t paying attention. It is extremely frustrating for the educator! Teachers come to school to educate students because it is their job, and they find it disrespectful if a student isn’t listening. Many instructors do not oppose of texting in class because they are mean, or don’t want students to socialize, but rather for the student’s benefit. They are trying to prepare pupils for a good future and a successful life beyond high school. If students cannot contain themselves and stay focused during these four years, it will be impossible to get through college. After high school, no one is going to tell students that they aren’t allowed to text, it is their loss if they don’t learn what they are supposed to. Therefore, the issue need to be resolved now, while there is still time!
Another very important thing to realize when it comes to this issue is that it is not only the texter who is missing out. When students have a serious problem with texting in class, they begin to distract other students as well. That random phone call during the middle of the teacher’s lecture is not always as funny as we like to make it seem. Though it may only take away two minutes of class, a consistency of this can really add up! Everyone is forced to put their education on pause while this one “bad apple” attempts to silence their phone! This is completely unfair, and it needs to be dealt with. This issue also does not only happen when a cellphone loudly rings, but when a person is silently texting as well! They draw the attention of the students surrounding them, who are curious to know who they are sending messages to! Regardless of how it is done, these cellphones are taking away from the education of far too many students. It is especially wrong when it is not even the student engaging in the usage of the cellphone who is having his or her future jeopardized!
Not only are teachers trying to prepare students for university and college, but also their lives beyond the educational boarders. When these children are older and must attend work regularly in order to provide for their families, they must be used to the proper ways in which you behave in certain settings. Using cell phones at work is clearly out of the question. No one will accept an employee who can’t seem to look up from under the table because they are secretly trying to send someone an instant message! You cannot do your job and talk or text on your cell phone at the same time. The business world is a place where you must be professional and respective of those around you; therefore, trying to sneak and use your cellphone is simply not going to be a very good idea. For children who fall into that “cell phone addict” category, this can be a real issue to look forward to in the future. There is nothing wrong with trying to get rid of it early though!
Students may argue that it is their right to use their cell phones in class; they own the cell phone, so they can use it as they please. They believe they can text and pay attention at the same time, even though no matter how hard they try it is impossible! There is a time to learn or to work and there is a time to do other hobbies and things that are enjoyable. Texting is something many people really enjoy, but it can get in the way of the things that need to be done, like paying attention in class. Not only does it keep that student from focusing, but it can potentially ruin things for their fellow classmates as well, and it can continue to be a horrible habit that keeps a student out of work! This issue needs to be resolved, and the only way to do that is by putting a stop to cellphones during school!
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