When caring for children and young people, there is a dilemma which occurs as you try to have a balanced viewpoint of an activity against any element of danger. When children are doing a new activity we make risk assessment judgments based on the age of the child, the surroundings and the level of danger associated with the activity to access how safe it is for the child to take part. At the same time we don't want to limit their learning and exposure to new activities as under certain conditions they need to learn through their experiences so that they develop and gain knowledge naturally.…
Fear, Social Growth, Sports, and Young Children In Jessica Statsky ’s essay, “Children Need to Play, Not Compete,” Statsky concludes that adults’ emphasis on competition in children’s sports can be physically, psychologically, and developmentally harmful for children. While this claim cannot be denied, many of her other claims (that children fear sports and that children ages six to twelve should never be exposed to competition) are debatable. Considering the importance of and amount of participation in children’s sports in America, it is important to understand that because of adult over-protectiveness or pressure, among other reasons, competitive sports have a troublesome reputation.…
In this essay “Children Need to Play, Not Compete,” written by Jessica Statsky, Statsky states, “When overzealous parents and coaches impose adult standards on children's sports, the result can be activities that are neither satisfied nor beneficial to children’”(Statsky 236). Should the children be able to experience the fun, or should they feel pressured by their parents, coaches and etc? I believe the young children in between the ages of six and twelve should be able to experience the fun in sports and other activities. If the children are to worried about winning and as well as their parents they are going to feel all this pressure on them and that is not healthy. Being in a sport and taking it way to seriously than you…
The author Jessica Statsky in her writing “Children need to Play, Not compete,” expresses the damages caused by competitive sports. She focuses on the kids from six to 12 years and genuinely proves that these competitive sports with adult standards have harmful effects on them. Another facet of those sports are that the parents, at the side of the trainers, expect the kid to invariably win. This makes the sport less fun and additional feverish for the kid. It becomes additional sort of a job for him than a relaxation. the acute coaching techniques may additionally have severe negative impact on the growing body of the kids. The author conjointly states that these sports evoke the concern of losing in a very child’s mind. this could conjointly have an effect on him mentally. Winning and losing may be a locality of the adult life, however kids sports ought to be all concerning fun. The extremely selective nature of competitive sports build it troublesome for the kids to create it to the…
In the essay, Myth of Adolescence, Alex and Brett Harris incorporate their thoughts on what they feel about what teenagers actually go through during their period of `adolescence.` They go on to compare this phase to an elephant. They say that an elephant is a powerful beast that can be restrained even by a piece of twine. According to Alex and Brett, young teens are the elephant and our twine is the concept of adolescence. Unfortunately, these low expectations end up limiting teens for no reason. Teenagers, between the ages of 13-18, are held back by society and aren't able to excel in life. The essay, Myth of Adolescence, states that the socials expectations are becoming obstacles for teens. We as teenagers, need to erase the invisible shackles…
A Child Called “It” is a very tragic book that tells an amazingly true story about a real life little boy in California. Written by Dave Pelzer, the story reveals an extreme case of child abuse, one of the worst ever report in California history. A Child Called “It” tells the unbearable story of a boy who gets beaten day after day by his alcoholic mother. This story is an autobiography communicating very informative information of the severity of child abuse and how important school officials are in spotting this epidemic. Dave came from a typically good family. Dave’s parents loved him deeply, especially on holidays and special trips into town while his father was working a twenty-four hour shift. However, things began to change drastically in a negative way. A Child Called “It” focuses mainly on abuse in…
The fat tax is a fascinating and controversial idea where unhealthy foods and beverages would be subject to higher taxes to deter people from consuming them. Although, I can see where there might be merit to the idea, ultimately more people would suffer. This concept was discussed in the reading, “Let Them Drink Water!” by Daniel Engber. It suggested an interesting approach toward remedying one of the biggest problems we have in the United States, our own body weight.…
It is important to make sure children are safe, but if is also very important to give them the chance to explore and experiment. Children learn their limits through experimenting and pushing their level of skill, and we have to help support them to do this safely.…
Throughout America’s communities today, the quality of schooling varies from school to school. In the book Our Kids the author, Robert Putnam, believes that the increased gap between the wealthy and poor is what causes the differences in school quality and opportunities for the students (Putnam, 2015). Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing two of today’s youth, Josh and Erin. Their names have been changed for the sake of anonymity. Josh is a 17-year-old student at Shawnee Mission East High School, in Prairie Village, Kansas.…
In “children Need to Play, Not compete,” Jessica Statsky put emphasis on the hazardous effects on children when they play the type of sports designed for grownups. These sports are conducted under the rules and standards of professional practice which becomes too much of a burden for the young and growing children. Making them indulge in these type of extreme physical test makes them physically and emotionally in distress. Jessica furthers goes on saying that these sports sole focus is on winning and defeating the opponent team. This leaves the essence of the sports like learning to play as a team, maintaining your health and collaboration, behind. She also talks about the attitude of the coaches as well as the parents that they consider…
Concerns about children’s safety and a fear that something awful may happen to them can prevent children from trying out new activities and learning new skills. To allow children to learn about safety, it is necessary to allow them to take risks. A child will not learn how to balance on a two – wheel bike unless he or she is given the opportunity. Carers must be careful not to over protect children as this may stop them being creative and adventurous. The skill is in monitoring safety without preventing children from tackling a new challenge. In this way confidence and self-belief develop. A child who is not allowed to tackle challenges will not learn to make judgement for his or herself.…
Obviously the risks we allow children and young people to take should be appropriate to age, needs and ability, and a balanced approach should apply. We should not be excessively risk adverse and encourage children to have more independence, therefore creating more confidence. By allowing children to use and access certain equipment such as a trim trail or climbing frame, and giving them rules and boundaries to follow whilst using the equipment allows them to take certain risks without taking excessive risks. The children that I work with understand that when they are allowed access to the trim trail, they must follow the rules. There have been instances when children have not followed the rules and then have ended up with minor injuries from falling. Children now know that if the rules are not followed they will be removed from the activity on that occasion.…
It is important to allow children to take risks and challenge. Any activity a child does involves some risk, we must consider the age, needs and ability of each individual needs. If an activity is well planned and organised the chance of an accident or injury should be minimal. Allowing children to take risks will build a child’s self esteem and confidence. This will learn children about safety and how to assess risk, they will also gain responsibility.…
The children should be allowed to safely explore and make some risks decisions with the guidance of the staff within the setting. Children need to learn how to work risks for themselves, by learning what the safe boundaries are, by the staff demo the children how to recognise risks and dangers in the safest way possible. When children are doing new activities to emend their development it can create a conflict or dilemma between the duty of care and the children’s rights. As a practitioner I should always do risk assessments on the activities and the surrounding environments, making sure that the activity is years fascinate and take extra care with children with additional of necessity and new activities. I need to remember that is something goes wrong that I need to make a balanced decision between the risk and the children’s rights.…
The reason why i think that kids should not be playing sports, is because one thing is that Most children would rather play on a losing team than sit on the bench of a winning team From the article “More Kids Are Suffering Sports Injuries”. What many people don’t see is that people are dieing because of the sports, that they do and most of these sports can cause deaths in them or even breaking something in there body. And also one reason why this is not a good thing for people to do, is because they might hurt himself and get short time memory loss so that is not a good thing for them that have sports. When they do sports and many people that play sports don't even finish their school work and that's what gets them kicked out of the team. What…