The idea of Christians being involved in politics, especially beyond just voting in elections, is difficult for many to understand. Many might question whether a Christian could get elected into a position of leadership, like the U.S. Senate, and remain true to the calling of the Word in today’s culture. The truth is, God has called Christians to be lights of the world— the entire world. This statement, found in Matthew 5:14, results in two reasons why Christians can and should run for political office. First, because Christians are called to be lights of the world, then Christians …show more content…
This is part of being a “light of the world” (Matthew 5:14 New International Version). If the goal of Christians is to ultimately share the Gospel and love of Christ to others, the protection of religious freedom is integral to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Christians in government can protect religious freedom and promote Christian principles being implemented through legislation and decisions ( There are many historical examples of Christian leaders who were able to effect change in their societies, but the most prominent is William Wilberforce. Wilberforce worked for years in the English Parliament to abolish slavery, and, in the end, not only did he accomplish this, he also remained true to the Lord and his Word ( For the purpose of legislating according to Scripture, it is important for Christians to be in political …show more content…
Romans 10:13 opposes this idea; it says that “[e]veryone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (New International Version). Just as there are Christians in the fields of medicine, business, and law, there must be Christians in politics as well. In each professional field, there are obstacles that a Christian might encounter that challenges his faith. However, he must stand firm in the truths of the Bible and not compromise his beliefs. This especially holds true in politics. For a Christian elected as a U.S. senator, there are numerous problems that may arise that cause a person to choose between compromising his beliefs or hurting a group of people. In these situations, it is vital for the Christian to pray, seek wisdom for himself, and seek wise counsel. Additionally, Christians should be politicians because, “[i]f God expects earthly rulers to rule righteously, it would seem quite foolish of Him to grant such authority exclusively to the unrighteous, withholding it from those who are the best equipped to rule according to His desires. Shall we pray that our current unregenerate earthly leaders don’t come to repentance and saving faith in Christ lest they disqualify themselves from holding office?” (Servant). Therefore, a Christian holding the position of U.S. Senator or another political office does not have to compromise his Biblical