Who thinks we should have class pets well I known I do because they are the best to class.Also me kid might focus better if their is an class pet.Their would be many responsibilities you could have when you help take care of it in class like feeding it. The animals that you could help take care of.Also some people like to have animals but some people might be allergic to them so their are very many ways you can have animals in your classroom.To take care of.
Next reason is that what is kid will do better in school. If they have a class pet that is in a cage or in the class.They could do better own test and quizzes. They could get better in reading they could read with the animals.Or if they want to get to know the kind of animals better. …show more content…
Well I chose this because I think there should be class pet in school so they can have the animal that they vote on that is appropriate for school.An that will fit in the classroom.That is why I picked an class pet.So that kid can do more thing with animals if they don't have any of them at home an they really wont two get two known about animals better if there parents dot have the mony to go and by