It is very frustrating to spend several months writing, researching, and polishing a paper that receives a poor grade because of minor errors in punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and spelling.
One option to prevent poor grades caused by minor errors is to hire a dissertation proofreading service to review your work. You can get a dissertation proofreading service to simply read the material and look for minor errors in grammar, punctuation, verb tense, and spelling. You can also get these …show more content…
professionals to do more detailed work and make corrections to the written material that include rewriting the material or putting the material into an order that makes better sense to the reader.
Why not proofread your own dissertation?
You should always read over everything that you write. You will catch many errors when you read the material, and you should read the material out loud so you can see if the flow of words is good. But, the main reason why proofreading your own paper does not work is the fact that you will be less likely to recognize the errors. When you read something that you are familiar with your mind tends to fill in gaps, or make corrections in spelling so that you can understand what you are reading. You might not even see the misspelled word because your mind made sense of it without pointing out the problem.
It takes months to write these papers and they are very long. Mot graduate students are very busy, and many of them have families, and jobs. So time is precious to these students and time to proof their work is hard to find. If you have very little free time it is likely that you will put off reading the material until the last minute, and when you do sit down and proof it you will be in a hurry. That lack of sufficient time can cause you to miss mistakes that someone else might find easily.
Why Not have friends do the Proofreading for
The main reason why you do not ask a friend to proof your work is because after they read the material they will have to critique to you. Most people cannot take constructive criticism from their friends. Having your best pal read over your paper for you could be the end of a beautiful friendship.
Another reason why you never ask your friend to proof your written work is their ability to do the job. Your friend may not be qualified to do the proofreading for you. They may not be great at punctuation, spelling, or grammar. So they might not see the error and that could result in a poor grade