Term limitations and restraints are needed in Congress. "Term limits …show more content…
In agreement with perspective one, my perspective also supports the establishment of term limits. Perspective one favors term limits and describes the many ways it affects our government in a positive way. Perspective one provides reasons to support why term limits matter, such as giving citizens more options of candidates. On the contrary, perspective two disagrees with the idea of term limits. The main reason for this argument is based on experience. Perspective two expands its explanation of experience by describing how new people would substantially affect the government in a negative way due to their lack of experience.
There should be an implementation of term limits in Congress to better maintain power. Some of the benefits of term limits bring include less corruption and corporate influence, along with fresh new ideas. Term limitations ensure our representatives will pay more attention to us, their constituents. Since our government cannot be trusted sometimes, term limits prevent someone from getting too powerful. Therefore, term limits have proven to be useful and should be