There is a difference in the cultures of this country and other countries. It is well known that in Italy teenagers are allowed to drink, but in American culture it is not seen that way. Some feel that introducing alcohol in a family setting will help teens learn how to control them selves the simple truth is that it doesn’t. Those teens are actually more likely to drink more then those who wait till they are twenty-one. Other country’s have the same underage drinking and driving problems that we have in America. So it would make more sense if they raised there minimum drinking age to twenty-one.
Alcohol just like any other drug is dangerous. Just because it isn’t illegal or sold on a street corner doesn’t mean it can’t kill you. Alcohol is drinking all over the world and for the most part society has a good view on it because its every where you go. Allowing people under the age of 21 is giving them a lot of responsibility an accountability that most kids that age aren’t ready for. Giving them a chance to vote is not putting anybody else’s life a stake. The mind is not the same when under the