busy schedules, and how early their school day starts. To try and help scholars work to their…
High school classes should begin later in the day and end later in the day to accommodate students' natural sleep clocks, this would get them on a schedule and would also allow them to stay energized through they whole day. Schools should end later in the day so that when students get home, they won't have time to take a nap, which tend to make people stay up later then they need to. Teenagers need lots of sleep and by beginning and ending the classes later would make that a lot easier! If schools were to open up later in the day then students would pay more attention in their classes; They would be more alert and awake. Beginning schools later in the day would have a positive effect on everyone including the teachers and administration,…
East Porter County Schools are making a big mistake with later school start time. Getting out of school later can cut into the time students spend with their parents if they are divorced. Students should as well be more responsible before school. Kids will also think they can stay up even later. So later school start time is going to lead to bad habits and high levels of stress.…
Students stay up late working on homework, then are tired when they have to wake up. "Teens need at least 8.5 hours of sleep daily, and most teens don't get that". Stated the author Justin Oneil in the scope article Should School Start Later School starting later would allow more time to sleep, witch leads to better grades, and students that function quicker and would have less work later. Also not so many people would be late to school. I propose we start school just a little bit later. It would really help with our overall performance in schools.…
“42 states reported that most (75%-100%) public schools started before 8:30 a.m” (“Schools Start Too Early”). Most schools start before 8:30. A decent amount of schools start around 7:20. Schools start early in the day and release later in the afternoon. This has become routine, but studies show that students who start early in the day perform worse in school compared to those who start later in the day. Schools should implement a later start time for higher schoolers since high schoolers would get around the recommended amount of sleep, preventing sleeping in school and high schoolers academics and safety will increase, since they will get enough sleep to study before school and prevent drowsiness.…
If you had the choice, would you choose to sleep or go to school? Wouldn’t you want school to start later so you could get your nine hours? Well, it’s not as ideal as it seems. For the past few years, the Littleton Public Schools district, along with other school districts around the country, discussed the idea of the change of school start and end times. For the most part of this school year, the district has started to ask parents and students for their opinions and to come up with different solutions that will appeal to everyone. One of the biggest reasons that the district would need to change the times befalls the lack of sleep that students receive. Pamela McKeever, the leader of a study of adolescent sleep said that, "...research explains…
A kids health can be affected in a bad way. Most kids are so tired that they want to fall asleep in class. A kids health can be so bad they can end up having depression. Some kids think about falling asleep. Sometimes they do just because of the School start time. Some kids don't act like themselves. They change the way they used to act and become a whole new person. In conclusion, Middle School start time should start later because of the way the kids act, the grades that kids get, and how the School start time affects the kids health. There should be In conclusion, Middle School start time should start later because of the way the kids act, the grades that kids get, and how the School start time affects the kids health. There should be more sleep because School is important and kids need to have their sleep in order to do well in…
Ever imagined what it would be like to get out early and have a lot of time to do whatever you want before the sun goes down? Do you think that school should start later to give teenagers more sleep? School shouldn't start later because 8:45 is already late enough, a earlier start makes for an earlier finish, and if students want more sleep then they should go to bed earlier. If you're in the school district I go to the school starts at 8:45.…
Have you ever woken up feeling groggy and not wanting to go to school or do anything at all? As a result, many students go to school late or do not academically progress and participate in class. According to the Scholastic Scope article “Should School Start Later?” by Justin O’Neil and the article “Sleepy Teens: High School Should Start Later in the Morning” by Mark Fischetti, many schools are considering starting school later to help students succeed academically. Students have more trouble concentrating in class because they are not getting enough sleep. Some students arrive at school later because they oversleep. To make sure that there is less tardiness and the academic growth increases, schools are looking…
I think that starting the school day later would greatly benefit the students and teachers. if we started school at about say nine thirty in the morning instead of eight thirty or earlier, that would mean that most students wouldn't need to be awake in the morning till almost seven thirty to eight thirty and some kids could even wake up a little later then that depending on where they live. granite it is proven that high school students only need six to eight hours of sleep each night but there is always that few that never get the six to eight hours of sleep.…
I wake up at 6:00a.m. every morning during the weekdays and dread coming to school for seven and a half hours. The school board plans to add one and a half hours to school each day. Most schools start early in the morning and get out early in the afternoon. I’m not a morning person so I don’t like getting up early. On the weekends I sleep in really late unless we have to go somewhere.…
Introduction- Sara mckibben stated to the Start Schools Later Healthy Hours article, that more than 82.2% of U.S. middle, high, and combined public school require students to attend classes at times earlier than recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Children and teens need more sleep, but school starts so early they do not get that sleep. However some people think they should not start later in the day. Schools should start later in the day because children and teens need more sleep and teen car crashes happen more when teens are tired and have to go to school.…
Getting the right amount of sleep is very important in everyone's life and are especially important for teenagers. Teenagers have what is called their natural sleep clocks. Therefore, waking up early and going to sleep early is difficult. Being a high school student is an extremely hard job to have, but could it benefit teenagers that classes begin and end later in the day? It most defiantly does benefit the teenager, but you cannot forget about the afterschool activities. If high school classes begin and end later in the day, students will be more focused and successful. It is very difficult for a student to wake up early and be expected to stay focused. For example, he or she has to wake up at the crack of dawn to get ready for a long day of school. His or hers first period class is honors English, but are failing because he cannot stay awake…
Most high schools in the United States start school before eight a.m. Boards of Education do this to help make transportation easier and to finish the day quicker (Eight). Alas, they seem to forget about the effect of early start times on students. Later start times, anything after eight o’clock in the morning, would benefit students in multiple ways.…
Teenagers are often given a bad reputation because they are seen as irritable, uncooperative, and irresponsible. Adults tend to complain about their children never waking up on time, but little do they know that their adolescent children have different sleeping patterns that enables them to stay up late, and arise late. High school students experience enough stress considering their homework load, and they also suffer the hardships of waking up remarkably early in the morning for school. Be that as it may, adolescents still have to discern how to wake up early to be prepared for adulthood, but at this moment, their bodies are not primed for the early mornings such as adults are. Contrary to the current law, schools should begin subsequently to the prevailing early mornings because the untimely school starts result in negative health effects, increased safety risks, and poor academic performance.…