I Introduction
Hook - English is good for official language in the U.S. - In the future China or Japan is powerful of business in the world so, people have to learn many languages. - Not fair for American people who can speak on English but Asian people ,Mexican people they ‘re Bilingual. - Dose the U.S. should have official language more than one language?
Because of The U.S. has many people from other country in the world. American people can speak only English while other people such as American-Chinese, American-Thai and American-Japan they can speak 2 language.
Thesis statement
It might be true that English should be good …show more content…
Non English school language not enough for American people : In the U.S. has many English school but other language not much. It seems problem for American people to learn second language.
e.g.: ELS,Kaplan,Zoni,ESL they’re English school while other school no have in the U.S.
China Business strong than The U.S. :American people should avoid themselves now while their situation of business is not good but China business is strong and in the future China is ganna be number 1 of Business in the world .
Exp; Every business should connect to China.It’s good if American people they can speak Chinese language
Rebuttal from the Writer
Although, they have many effect and condition to make American people think about 2nd language official ; However, English always international language people in the world agree and accept to use English to connect and contact to each