Commuters pose a challenge to town planners for various reasons, although they account for a small percentage of travelers. Commuting takes place in two faces: the morning rush hour and the afternoon rush hour. This means that during these phases, the transport system undergoes much stress because of the spike in the number of users. This can be credited to the fact that people live and work in different places and that there is a uniform work time in the country. Work starting at 8-9 a.m. and ending at 5-6 p.m., this means that commuters have some special needs and requirement in so far as traveling is concerned. So, they require speedy and dependent transportation. In addition to this, there is the growing need to keep the commuters informed…
Armin Greder’s The Island is a picture book that explores the negative concepts of ‘belonging’ through instances of alienation and judgement. The text presents symbols and metaphors that can be applied to universal social issues, particularly the migrant experience. Although the tone of the text is ultimately pessimistic, there are suggestions of Christian ideals such as sharing, caring for the less fortunate and having a clear conscious. The text also not only discusses an outsider’s perspective of not belonging, but also the negative aspects of belonging to a group or community.…
The world is becoming increasing populated and cities are beginning to grow at a very fast rate. Governments will need to come up with a suitable transport plan for the citizens. More people will result in more transport and the majority of people travel by car, this poses two problems – road congestion and pollution.…
To begin, one of the most common causes of pollution is from motor vehicles. Most people drive their cars to wherever it is that they need to be. Every time someone drives their car, they are putting pollution into the air and damaging the planet. There are a few ways to reduce the amount of pollution you put in the air and one of those ways is carpooling. This is definitely the most effective way because by carpooling, there is one less car that is putting out pollution and which adds up over time. According to there are 85 million gallons of gas saved yearly by carpooling. The only problem is that only 10% of Americans carpool which is not a very good percentage and it needs to grow. In additions, another way to prevent pollution is walking or biking to destinations that aren’t too far away. This way, there is no pollution being put in the air at all which is not only good for the planet but it’s also good for exercise. People pollute the air every day but the amount can easily be reduced.…
As the population increases, the total of vehicles increases aswell. “In 1945 there were 100 cars per 1000 people, by 1970 there were almost 500 cars per 1000 people”(Forster 2004, p.17), this will cause traffic congestion within the cities. As a result of traffic congestion, pollution levels will increase. This will negatively affect peoples health and well being. Along with the inconviences of urban…
Large cities and populations rely on public transportation to reduce traffic congestion and vehicle emission as well as provide a means for citizens without personal vehicles to travel to important places like work, school or the grocery store. Critically important infrastructure to any city, without a reliable regional transportation system those who cannot afford cars are greatly impacted. Such groups may be confined to a particular neighborhood, which may result in lack of accessibility to jobs or other important resources, in modern city's neighborhoods cut off from transportation can become increasingly poor, see elevated crime rates and more likely to continue to be…
Firstly, vehicles are one of the leading causes of pollution. They burn high amounts of fuel and release toxin gases; for instance, during the eighteenth century, in London, this resulted in an increase of carbon dioxide in the air, and citizens had to wear face masks to avoid getting sick. Nowadays, engineers have made gasoline and electric powered cars which are economically friendly, and burn less fuel. Furthermore, local travelers who travel as far as going to work, school or shopping or more should only use four cylinders or less powered vehicles to release less CO2 into the atmosphere.…
The day I decided to move was a very emotional day. It was a day I felt that it was time for a change. I was in a place in my life where I felt like I was stuck and very unhappy. Even though I had everything that I thought would make me happy, I was not happy. I had a job, my own place a car and plenty of friends, and yet I still felt unhappy. Deciding to move was a hard decision because I was not only changing my life I was leaving friends that I had been around my whole life, 25 years to be exact. I was leaving my mother, my two brothers, my uncle and my grandmother which was all the family that I Really ever had.…
Firstly, the main feature of urbanisation is high population density, which may cause a series of problems such as the boom of squatter settlements and urban sprawl if the city has not been designed in a sustainable way. For instance, a large number of high-rise apartment has been constructed in urban areas for large scales of dwellers when the some ecocities were designed. Simultaneously, the authorities of these cities also provide basic sources and services for those who are living in the squatter settlements so that these residents could afford themselves and the environment of the slum will also be improved. Compared to merely dismantling the shanty houses which will cause the appearance of another new slum areas and even worse living conditions, what the governments in ecocities do has coped with the problems of urban space caused by urbanisation. Secondly, lack of urban transport, considered as a big challenge in the ordinary megapolis , can also be solved in a relative effective way in a sustainable city. More precisely, the reasonable plan of public transport is the best method to decline the automobile dependence in megacities. For example, a huge transit center has been established in Hong-Kong in order to avoid the dwellers' reliance on private vehicle. It is estimated that the metro has covered every section of Hong-Kong and even residents living in the edge of Hong-Kong could spend only 40 minutes to the urban area. Actually, the usage of vehicles in Hong-Kong is far lower than that in any other megacities even if there is no restriction on the usage of automobile and the gasoline price is also low in Hong-Kong. Obviously, the gigantic network could not be set up after the urbanisation formed. Thus, it is necessary to develop sustainable cities to prevent the possible urbanisation.Word…
These days, more and more people are using their own cars to commute. The increasing number of vehicles in our cities contributes to the high levels of pollution in the air. When faced with taking private cars or public transport, people react in different ways. I will discuss the for and against arguments of using private cars or public transport.…
Recently, big cities such as Tokyo, Beijing, and Shanghai suffer from serious air and noise pollution because of the volume of passenger cars. Although passenger cars are one of the most convenient vehicles for residents, the governments should ban passenger cars because the volume of passenger cars cause environmental issues, health problems of citizens, and fearful effects on transport of emergency vehicle.…
Normal road users are able to get where they want to go faster because of less trucks on the road. This also means there is less starting and stopping on longer routes, and therefore less fuel is wasted. This means road users have to refuel less often, and given the current rise in fuel prices, this makes driving less expensive. However, another benefit arising from this is a slight reduction in environmental damage: less starting and stopping leads to a reduction in the emissions of carbon dioxide from both cars and Lorries. This is good for the environment because less emissions means less greenhouse gasses being emitted into the atmosphere, and this ultimately reduces the amount to global warming on Earth. This is desirable such warming would cause damage to fragile ecosystems and will eventually drive many species to extinction.…
The beauty and importance of Transportation lies in the fact that it has a marked effect on the day-to-day lives of millions of people residing in cities worldwide. Today’s cities are getting badly entangled in problems of inadequate transport infrastructure. This is causing several losses both in terms of time and money which in turn has adverse…
In conclusion, although there are some problems of using public transport, people should still take it to go to school or to travel to work, because the overall advantages of taking public transport are more than the…
There are some individuals, despite their level of income, who choose Public Transportation because they believe it is not necessary to own a private vehicle. These tend to be individuals who feel strongly about the environment. Public transportation diminishes the level of pollution in the environment which makes them activists for a greater cause.…