Children and young people can be in danger when they use technology such as internet which can present a threat to their safety. The internet is a powerful source of technology which is sometimes dangerous for children and young people to use because there are many different kinds of people on networking sites that don’t show their identity.…
“In 2001, the International Telecommunication Union calculated that, approximately 2.3 billion people had internet access at the end of that year. Since then, the percentage of people using the internet around the world has continued to grow” (Li 2). Censoring the internet has been a hot topic for quite a while now. Many people believe that censoring the web isn’t a good thing because of certain laws and rights we have as citizens. The internet has some cons but it also has many pros. The downside of the censorship is that the truth is blocked out and it violates our freedom of speech. On the other hand, censorship of the internet can reduce the numbers or even stop human trafficking, prevent identity theft, stop cyber bullying and so much…
Technology has advanced greatly in the recent years. The internet has made it is easy for people to get any information they want, which in return presents danger to minors. This advance in technology has opened new issues that need to be addressed. Children depend on adults to protect them from any harm and as a result government passed acts to prevent child abuse on the internet. The two acts being discussed in this paper are the Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000 and the Children’s Online Protection Act (COPPA) of 1998.…
The Internet is an amazing place where people can communicate, transfer and research information, and find entertainment sites. It also allows freedoms that major media enterprises did not have. The concern with the Internet is it contains sites that are not appropriate for children. Some people believe the Internet should be free from censorship while other argue the Internet should be controlled.…
Although the internet can be a valuable tool both educationally and socially, there are some serious risks associated with using the internet and other technologies. As in the real world, children and young people are vulnerable and may knowingly or unknowingly expose themselves to danger when using the internet, mobile phones and other technologies.…
One of the most obvious dangers on the internet is violent, sexual or otherwise graphic material that is unappropraite for children to see. This material can pop up through innocent web searches via something as simple as a spelling mistake. Children who are exposed to inapropriate material can be upset or become desensitized to something, their perception of right wrong or normal being changed.…
The internet has made is easy for people to access an unlimited amount of information at anytime. Advances in information technology have resulted in new ethical issues that needed to be addressed. Children need to be protected from being taken advantage of in this new digital age. Parents also want to ensure that their children aren’t subjected to material that is considered inappropriate. The federal government has passed laws to prevent the abuse of children on the internet.…
Most children and young people use the Internet positively. However, sometimes they behave in ways that may place them at risk. Some risks do not necessarily arise from the technology itself but result from offline behaviors that are extended into the online world, and vice versa.…
Access to the Internet and the Web can pose hazards for young kids and it also provides a big challenge for their parents. Kids using the Internet can be vulnerable to sexual predators that use the Internet to get their victims and they can also be affected by visiting sites that are pornographic. Parents face the difficult option of having to monitor with the help of special software (spyware which is provides weekly and daily reports based on kids activities through the Internet and the Web) the activity of their kids on the computer or trusting that their kids make the right choices.…
This article by Mannix, Locy, Clark, Smith, Perry, McCoy…Kaplan (2000) titled The Web’s Dark Side discusses the not-so-popular side of surfing the internet, referred to as cyberspace–a rather outdated nickname–and plays out a week online with examples various crimes and misdemeanors, swindles, thefts, perils and problems of the internet. The types of crimes and wrongdoings is vast, and many various types of crimes are detailed with accounts of individuals, what crimes were committed, how it came about, and sometimes the outcome. The material demonstrates how fast the world of the Internet has developed: written thirteen years ago, it already hints of a day long ago, and therefore is enjoyable reading for the comparison of matters today. At the time it was breakthrough technology. If re-written, it could apply to today as well.…
Children are our society’s most valuable and fragile resources. It is our responsibility as parents, adults, and caregivers to provide our children with as many safeguards to protect them from physical and virtual dangers. Children are spending more and more time on the internet and without the proper protection and supervision they can be exposed to indecent or harmful material or predators that seek to harm them. “What children are encountering on the Internet, particularly in terms of indecent or otherwise unsuitable material or contacts with strangers who intend to do them harm, is an issue of major concern.” (Smith, 2001). The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) of 2000 and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) of 1998 were put in place as an attempt to protect our children from the harm that could befall them on the internet from harmful materials and predators that target children.…
They didn_Ñét plan for a lot of things, in fact, including issues due to technology, social justice, or economic trouble that weren_Ñét even in existence during their time. Because of this, they created the Constitution and Bill of Rights to be relatively broad, intending that it would encompass the framework for the future.…
Today, it’s admitted that the amount of Internet users becomes more and more popular. To compare with 10 years ago, it’s an amazing difference. Internet can be used by 6 year-old children, by adults, or even though by 80 year-old people. However, its popularity is not always a good thing. Besides its usefulness, some people use for their advantage that to be against with the political problem. Facing with this situation, do you think governments should or should not censor the internet?…
"The internet usage among Americans has rapidly increased in the last decade. Most can launch an app in a second and are immersed into the world of social media and the internet. There are many benefits that the internet has to offer. Internet users can easily see a wide variety of news that is accessible by one app. We have the ability to find someone living across the country with one google search, we can check the weather from our smartphones, do schoolwork online, the possibilities are endless. This is of course amazing that we have the ability to access all this information and be on social media, however the possibilities are endless resulting in not so beneficial actions online. A huge problem deals with social media. Internet users can use…
Ever since its inception in 1982, the internet has become an essential part of the average person’s life. Many people see the internet as a place for entertainment, research, and communication. Although the invention of the internet allows for easy access to information and communication, there are some negative effects, such as encouraging cheating, corrupting children, and hindering development of social skills as well.…